5: Shock and horror

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The loud scream could be heard in a deafening clarity. It echoed through the corridor and bounced off the four walls of his room before striking at his ears. A shudder of fear went down Taehyung's spine. He felt paralysed. He knew what was waiting for him...
Head down, Taehyung suppressed the panic he was feeling as he found himself at the door of the voice's owner, his father.


"Ah man how much I wish I could be the one beating that filthy omega up!" Jisung smirked. Seokjin's heart rose to his throat every time he heard a sound from next door. Taehyung was in a lot of pain, and he wanted to help so badly, but he wasn't allowed to. He knew to Taehyung he was the most evil brother one could ask for, but hidden behind the façade of a 'strong intimidating' alpha there was an innocent and caring young man. Many times he had tried to let Taehyung know that he was there for him, but his mother always had the eyes of an eagle; she saw through everything and threatened to tell his father. But now, now that he would be leaving the household for good, he couldn't just stand by while his younger brother got beaten for the most insignificant reasons.
Damn this family and its unrealistic reputation of alphas.
"Yah, Jin hyung what's wrong with you. Look I know for some strange reason you have a soft spot for that prick but seriously, you have to admit you wanna be the one holding that whip haha-"
"Shut. It. I'll speak to you later Jisung. Control that tongue of yours."

What the hell is up with Jin hyung?

The corridor was lit with dim yellow lights evenly spaced apart in front of each door. Thankfully in the dark spots it was dark enough to not be seen in the early morning. It had been a good few hours since the beating was over and Jin had waited till he was sure all members of the family were asleep. Jisung was knocked out on the bed next to his, drool dripping down the side of his lips. After a few swift steps Jin was outside the room Taehyung was in.
His heart was hammering in his chest.
Ah this is crazy! I can't let myself get caught. And it's going to be awkward as hell when I speak to Taehyung. I know he won't forgive me but I will apologise and finally talk to him, try to help him. Please let this turn out okay.

Just as he was about to open the door...

"Jin darling?"

Wicked old lady.

"Yes mother?"
"You do know that the Jeon family will be here again today for our discussions. It will be yours and your brother's job to engage their son and your husband to be. It's best you get some sleep, I'll deal with that omega." She hissed sweetly.
"Wha- no mother, I think it's best we all get some sleep. I'll leave you to your room."
He grabbed his mother as gently as he could and led her to her room before bowing a good night. He had to have prevented her from going to Taehyung. She would just break him further with her words.
Reluctantly, Seokjin entered his own room and closed the door, shutting away all his emotions.
I'm an alpha, I can't let these emotions get the better of me.


Sweat glinted on the top of their foreheads. Jungkook and Namjoon had just finished sparring out on the fresh lawns of their palace.
"Hah, I'm not-done-y-yet-hah-hah" Jungkook panted heavily between each word earning a chuckle from the other.
"Come one Jungkook you're drenched in sweat. How much longer do you want to go on for"
"As long as it takes-for - me to beat- you"
Namjoon just walked over to the younger and ruffled his deep brown locks.
"We're going to see my fiancé Jungkook-ah. We don't have long now hurry on we must get dressed."
At that Jungkook dropped to the floor soaking up the tranquility of the surroundings before hopping back up and sprinting to catch up to his brother.

Jungkook hated dressing in suits, it made him feel too rigid, but to go against the word of his father was something he couldn't even dream of. After a quick shower he got himself ready and strode down the front gardens, spreading his alpha aura as he went. All the maids, women and men were forced to stop in their tracks and stare in awe, Jungkook forming his lips into a slight smirk. He flicked his hair in style and looked ahead to see his brother staring at him with his eyebrows furrowed.
"Jungkook-ah why do you do that when you're terrified of girls."
Jungkook felt his cheeks burn hot.
"How nice is the weather today hyung?"
They both burst out in laughter.
"Haha it's fine isn't it."
"Of course everything will seem pleasant to you you're going to see your alpha love."
"Yea-what!" Namjoon was blushing furiously while the other was hunched over in his fit of laughter. 
"Yah, Jungkook, I have something serious to discuss with you." Jungkook looked up wiping away his tears from the laughter.

They walked through the gardens, admiring the blooming blossoms swaying in the soft winds. On a stone bench Namjoon took a seat and patted next to him, where Jungkook then seated himself.
"I'm not sure if I'm making a mistake telling you this, but, Kim Taehyung he's an..." Namjoon paused.
Upon hearing Taehyung's name Jungkook was full of interest. "No go on"
"Ah, ha, how should I phrase this. Go and find him today Jungkook and apologise for what you said last evening. Just know that he will be someone of great importance to you so take care of him."
"Um, ok. Wait so you mean, Jisung isn't my partner right! Ha that's a relief man I was prepared to punch his snobby face everyday! But you're right I was planning to apologise anyway. I can't get him out of my head." Jungkook sighed.
Namjoon smiled. He couldn't tell Jungkook yet, it was better for him to find out for himself. However he couldn't help but hope that it wouldn't be too late by then.


It was now afternoon. The families had their meal together and were busy in discussions 'not to be heard by young ones'. Jungkook was annoyed at how he was left alone. He looked over to the newly engaged couple. His brother truly looked so content, and it made jungkook smile at how cute they looked together. That was when he remembered... Taehyung. Now that he came to think of it Taehyung hadn't been at dinner or any other occasion.
He strode along the pathway back indoors.
"Dear alpha sir, may we guide you in any possible way."One of the palace maids questioned.
"No thank you I am fine myself." He wasn't fine himself, but he wasn't blind. There was definitely something fishy going on. Not one person had mentioned Taehyung, and Namjoon Hyung had clearly told him to 'go and find him'.
I hope he's alright.
Jungkook wandered the corridors, getting slightly more and more desperate as he struggled to find Taehyung's whereabouts. So caught up in his fast pace Jungkook was just about to miss the maid suspiciously leaning in to a shut door. When he looked closely she was sobbing quietly.
"Ma'am what's wrong?"
She flicked around in terror and guarded the door as if instinctively. That's when it clicked.
"It's Taehyung, isn't it." Her eyes widened with shock, "Please do not worry, I have found out he is my partner, I mean him absolutely no harm." He urged her through his words to move.
He felt his breath quickening as he struggled to open the door. It was jammed shut but he couldn't give up. He had to see Taehyung even if the entire world was against it. After a few attacks of his alpha strength the door slid open slightly. With one last push of strength Jungkook got the door open.
What his eyes met left him in utter shock and horror.

Hehe typical cliffhanger for you. I hope this story is making sense so far <3

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