Chapter 18

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[ Hope's point of view ]

As soon as I opened my eyes, I had to close them because of the bright white light above me blinded me. I squinted my eyes, but slowly opened them, feeling much better this time. I looked around.
I was in a white room and was tucked into a white bed. I didn't feel weak to be in a hospital, but I slightly remembered the incident that took place at school. Of course, I had  another fit.
I groaned and turned to my side to see a very familiar brown haired head lying on the mattress and I suddenly felt the warmth of the person's hand in my own. I turned my head slightly and saw the sleeping face of Jasper's, his eyes closed tight and snoring. I smiled to myself. I lifted up my other arm and ran my fingers in his hair. He groaned and lifted his head slightly, slowly opening his eyes.

"Hope?" He asked sleepily.

"Hey" I whispered. He suddenly sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He gaped at me with wide blue eyes. I was shocked to see them red and teary.

"Hope? Are you really awake?" He asked.

I nodded. "I am. Did you cry?"

He laughed softly, but a tear ran down his cheek and rested on his thin upper lip. "You are awake! Wait, let me go tell your mom. She'll be so glad." He stood up and went over to the door. He stocked his head out and after some seconds, my mom entered the room with tear stained cheeks and red eyes. She smiled and came over to me.

"Oh, look at you." She cried. "You woke up so soon!!"

I smiled. "You didn't expect me to?"

She let out a laugh. "No, honey. Honestly no!" She kissed my forehead twice and stared into my eyes. "You look great, baby."

"Oh Mom," I sat up on the bed. "Don't call me baby. You know how I hate that."

She smiled. "Here, I'll get you some food to eat. I bet you're hungry." She said and before I could answer, went out of the room.

"Jas?" I called. He was standing by the door and closed it after my mom went outside.

"Yeah?" He walked up to me and sat on the foot of the bed, his hand on my leg.

"Thanks for being here with me."

"What?" He said. "I thought you will break up with me because I made this happen to you."

I scowled. "Why? You didn't do this. Besides, how can I even breakup with you? I love you so much, it'll kill me." I pointed out, making him grin.

"Oh, you really are the best thing that ever happened to me, Hope." He came up to me and kissed me on the lips. "I love you too."

I stared at his eyes as we broke our embrace. "I know. And don't you ever think something like that. Ever!"

He chuckled. "Okay."

"Besides, I remember you telling me the first time I met you that whatever bad thing happens, that you can easily deal with it? Then, how come I see these reddened eyes?" I teased.

He smiled and kissed my forehead. "That was before I had you. Now, everything has changed."

Suddenly the doors opened and in came my mom carrying a food tray with her, a grin plastered on her face.
"Here you go. Some bagels and hot coco. Yum huh?"

Jasper took it from her and placed it under my face. "Eat. So then we can call the doctor." He said, and mom nodded.

I looked down at the food. I never realized how hungry I was until I started munching the bagels. Um..!! It tasted so good. I looked up at my mom and Jas, feeling so glad to have them beside me.

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