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Stars were bright that night as I laid down on the grass beside my father. A smile spread across my face as he pointed upwards and started describing what he sees in the bright night sky.

"Can't you see a young lady running with her fingers wrapped tightly around a flower???" He asked, taking my hand into his.

I laughed. "I don't have artistic eyes like yours, daddy." I said.

He turned to me with a slight frown planted in his freckled face. "You do. You have everything, darling, because you are my everything."

"That doesn't make any sense, daddy. How can I be your everything? I'm not your home, or your car!" I said, rolling my eyes.

He chuckled and turned back to the night sky. "How can it make any sense to you? You're still a baby!!"

"I'm not a baby!" I scowled. "I'm turning eight this year."

"Oh, and that means you're not a baby?"


"Okay, okay." He said laughing and squeezed my hand.

A minute of silence passed as we both kept looking at the dazzling stars shining above us.

He sighed. "Look here now, Hope." He started. I nodded and turned to him. He was wearing a very serious expression, which somehow made him look older. "You don't understand the Life just yet, but there are some things I want you to know. Firstly, this world we live in, it's a very cruel place. It's not meant for someone like you. But, you know we have no where else, so you have to face everything that comes in your way. You do understand me, don't you?" He paused. I nodded. "Good. Now look up at the sky." I did what he asked. "What do you see?"

"Um....stars. Just bright stars in the night sky." I replied.

"Can you be a bright star in the night sky?"

"What do you mean?"

"Look at the stars, Hope. They live in a very dark sky, and yet they appear bright and shiny. Do you understand me?"

"I guess so." I said, even though I felt so confused.

"Don't you think that stars chose to shine when everything else around them is dark and lonely?"


"Like that, you have to choose to shine in the very dark world around you, even though you'll feel that you shouldn't. Look what a shining star can do?! It can make the whole night sky light up, don't you think?"

"Yeah...." I felt amazed by what he said, even when i didn't understand it then.

"Can you do that for me,baby? Can you be the shining star in the dark world?" He asked. I turned to face him and nodded.

"I'll do anything you say, daddy." I said. A very relieved smile spread across his face. He rested a cold hand on my cheek and kissed my forehead.

"Good girl. Now let's go see what your mother has made for dinner."

A Poppy In The StarsWhere stories live. Discover now