Chapter 08

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My phone beeped on the coffee table as I sat on the couch to watch TV. I took it to my hands and read the notification on the lock screen. It's from Eva.

*Jacob called me. Harry finally told him the truth. Bad. We better go check on him. See you soon. *

I turned the TV off and went upstairs to my bedroom to get ready, feeling worried about Jacob at the same time.

Eva honked as she parked in front of our porch. I bid mom goodbye and went out to get in the car.

I closed the car door beside me and turned to look at Eva as she pulled back to the street. I was shocked to see her bloodshot eyes and messy hair. She was wearing mismatched clothing and her face was blotchy.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked.

She nodded and sniffed. "Yeah, I guess. You?"

"Well, I'm okay. Just sad about what happened to Jac."

"Hmm, me too. Oh, and by the way, I won't be coming to talk to him. Got some work to do. I'll just drop you off, okay? And whenever you're ready to leave, text me, yeah?" She smiled slightly, but I could tell that she's lying about her "work" stuff.

"Why? Is everything okay?"

"Oh, everything is fine! We'll talk later, okay?" She pulled in front of Jacob's house and parked. She turned to me, wiping the tip of her nose. She smiled. "You go ahead, I'll catch up later."

I nodded and got down from the car. After waving her goodbye, I started making my way up the stairs towards the door. I heard the screech of the car tires as Eva pulled back to the street and drove off.
I knocked on the door, and was immediately welcomed by a very teary Jacob. He smiled anyways.

"Hey." His voice cracked as he greeted. I smiled softly


"Come on in. Just go up to my room, okay? I'll meet you in a sec." He said and made his way towards the kitchen. I shrugged to myself and went up the stairs to his room, which hasn't changed for the last 5 years.

His bed was a mess as always and some clothes were thrown all over the floor. His posters of The Vamps are still hanging in front of his table and the window was slightly open, letting in a cool breeze. I went over to the bed and sat on it.

After some quiet minutes, Jacob finally came to the room. He came up to me and sat on the floor, just beside my feet.

"So," I started, feeling very uncomfortable about how to start the conversation. "How is everything?"

He scoffed. "Can't say great like I used to." He said without looking at me, but the ceiling.

"Yeah, I heard." I said. "Are you okay?"

"No, Hope." He answered simply.

"What exactly did he say?"

"He opened his true self. Well, I'm glad he did it now before anything serious." He said.

"What do you mean, his true self?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer.

"He's bisexual." Jacob's voice cracked slightly. "Not gay, but bi. He said he has feelings for that girl, instead of me. I wanted him to change his mind, but I can't force someone's feeling towards me now, can I? So, I sucked it all up and broke up.with him. He looked glad."

Sadness washed over me. How could anyone hurt someone as soft as Jacob? I know he loved Harry with all his heart and I also know that Jacob's first boyfriend was Harry. Now look what has happened? I put a reassuring arm on his shoulder. He shuddered.
"Look here now." I started. "You are one of the most awesome people I've ever met, Jac. No one is like you. You are very.....unique, and brave too. We all love you and we will always be there for you. I didn't want Harry to hurt you and that's why we went to talk to him. He's an idiot to hurt someone as lovely as you! Just stop worrying and try start fresh with someone as lovely and great as you, do you understand what I'm saying?"

He looked up at me and smiled. "I do know that you love me, Hope. I really do. Thanks for saying all that." He said. "I'm so lucky to have you beside me."

I laughed softly. "I'm not going to leave your side. Ever. You are one of my bestest friends, and you gave me strength to go on when I was weak and scared. So, no matter what, I'll always be there for you."

"Yeah, I know. Thanks." He said and patted my arm on his shoulder.


"Oh I almost forgot." He suddenly said and stood up and went over to his closet. He opened one of the drawers and took out a piece of paper. He handed it to me with a smirk.

"What's this?" I asked, unfolding the tiny piece of paper.

"Oh, go ahead and see for yourself." He said and sat beside me on the bed.

I read the paper.
*Hey, Hope. I just forgot to get your number last time, so here's mine.. Just text me when you can.
+44 07911 58643 _Jasper A. *

I looked up at Jacob's smirking face with wide eyes and flushed cheeks. The paper lay silently in my palm.
"He gave you this?"

"Yup. That party night. He made me promise to give this to you."

What? "So, why...I mean, what took you so long?" I stammered.

He chuckled and nodded. "Oh, so you wanted something like this so badly, huh."

I blushed. "No." I said, rather quickly. "No, really. I, this is something new for me, you know. So...I don't know.... it's confusing."

"I get that. It's normal, and especially for you. This is new for you, so my advice... don't think about it much. Just let the time do the work...just, let it flow, okay?" He patted my back.

I shrugged his hand off. "You think this going to be something serious? Oh, come on. As if!" I laughed.

"Why, you don't think so?"

"Of course not! Why the hell.would I? He's just a....friend. someone very nice to talk to." I said.

"Really?" Jacob raised his eyebrow at me. "Well, we'll see."

I cleared my throat. Yeah, let's see. He will never like someone like me. I'm so sure of that, so no need to think about this!

A Poppy In The StarsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang