Chapter 13

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  • Dedicated to everyone who has read this!

so apparently a few days meant like months but here it is!



I find Beca leaning against a wall.

"Hey." I say.


"Regular gig now?" She asks.

"Yeah they love me." I laugh. "So uh, you wanted to talk?"

"Oh yeah, I just want to say thanks."


"Yeah that song, it helped me realise who I want to be with."

Then she kisses me.


*Rheed’s POV*

“Me?” I ask breathlessly 

Beca shakes her head, “no Jesse.”

I open my mouth. Then close it. Then open it. Great I’m a freaking goldfish.
“But, you-you just…”

“Oh that was just a thank you kiss.”

“A thank you kiss?”

“Yeah, look here’s another one.”

She kisses me. 

“Okay, bye!” She winks and runs/staggers off.

“How drunk are you?” I call after her.

“Drunk enough to know I wanna do this!”

And drunk enough to quote Friends  apparently.

What in the hell just happened? 

*Jesse’s POV*

I am the worst person in the world. 

I cheated on my girlfriend.

Punched her ex-boyfriend (repeatedly).

Which in turn has led her Acapella group to lose focus right before the ICCA finals.

I’ve even lost my love for movies because I am that mad with myself. Not even R2-D2 or C-3PO can cheer me up.

I have no idea what the time is when someone knocks at the door. It can’t be Benji- he’s out of town for the weekend.

Sighing, I slide of my bed and open the door.

It’s been 3 weeks since I saw her.

21 days since I smelt her hair.

504 hours since I got lost in her eyes

30240 minutes since I heard her perfect voice.

1814400 seconds since my knees melted at her very presence. 

Yet she’s standing right here. 

So I say the most natural thing.

“Aren’t you supposed to be mad at me.”

“Shut up.” She says, then pulls me towards her and kisses me. 

I don’t dare argue. I’m afraid if I speak I’ll lose her again. 

*Rheed’s POV*

Like every sappy chick flick in the world, the cheating dick got the girl he didn't deserve. In this case, Jesse got Beca. 

Do I have a right to be mad?

I’m not so sure myself.

I mean, he did cheat on her.

Yet, she chose him. Over me, the dashingly attractive man with a better singing voice and gorgeous Australian accent.

Ok, I might be over selling myself, but still, I don’t know, I just feel like I could’ve been the better option.

Nevertheless, Beca makes her own decisions and so do I.

So I have decided that the Sonics are going to trample the Bellas at the ICCA finals this year.

And you can take that to the bank.


apology 1: sorry i lied, i really thought i'd have the time to upload sooner 
apology 2: sorry it's a bit short- i only have one day of year 12 left :o (my senior year for you american readers, no clue what it is in other countries haha, is it just year 12?) anyway, yeah my exams start in 8 days! which will determine my ATAR which is basically a rank of every year 12 student in the state and will determine if i get into the uni i want, so i can study to be a paramedic! so i just wanted to get a quick chapter in before exams start because i can't write during them. So this story wiill be on hold until the 18th of november(ish) 

i just wanted to say a massive thank you to you guys who have been reading this!!!! just looking through all your past comments really made me smile :) so after the 18th of november i am free of education business till MARCH so get excited! i know i am :) 

Peace-GF(dunno if i still sign off with this but ima start again)

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