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I used to see life in color, but as I started to get older, the colors faded as I realized how fucked up the world is. I once thought my family was kind and loving, now I realize I was different from others, being told time and time how I express myself is a sin, and that I’m an abomination, nothing but trash that should be disposed of.

Life use to be so joyous when I was younger, but that was before I understood who I really am, and now I’m told to not exist because of it, told that it isn’t natural, what do they know, they are stuck in the past, always using a stupid book to hurt others, all because they are diffrent. Now its time for me to stand up for myself, to be who I want to be inside, regardless of what others think is best.

shortsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang