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Depression + suicide

Cold, that's what I'm feeling, no warmth, no love, just the freezing void that fills my lungs and suffocating me, an endless mass, constantly getting more and more unbarriable.

Why did I do this? I wish I knew myself, but what I did was to painful back then, all I did was drink myself to oblivion, but not even alcohol could take away the burning flames, no pain pills, no drugs will bring it all back, the way they were suppose to be, but not even that was perfect enough to last forever.

Just remembering runs shivers down my back, why did I do that, I asked myself over and over again, till it becomes almost normal, but I'll never consider it so, no it was abnormal, what drove me to the heinous deeds then, now drove me into the darkness, the cold darkness I can not escape from, and likely never will, I'm stuck, but maybe it's a good thing, maybe it's good that I just hung myself from the ceiling, just dangling, my body frigid as ice, my eyes empty and endless, my mouth open for the files to come and go.

Yes, this is what I deserve, the endless ice darkness to torment my soul for the rest of existence, maybe till the end of existence.


Story by me

A/N: it's been awhile.....

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