All I need

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Haley's POV

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Haley's POV

1 year later

"Shawn can you help me get Savannah out of the car?" I asked Shawn as we pulled up into the familiar drive way of our home that we abandoned for a week for a long due vacation.

Thankfully my pregnancy went through as planned, except for the actual giving birth process. I ended up going into labor two weeks earlier then my due date which was terrifying for me.

After seven hours of labor, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl at 2:45pm on February 4th who me and Shawn agreed to name Savannah.

About a week after giving birth I went back to have horrible pains and ridiculously long periods. The doctor told me the chance of me getting pregnant was raised to ten percent, which is still small but better then before. Me and Shawn haven't decided on if we were gonna try for kids again but for now I just want to enjoy out baby.

"Sure, can you grab the baby bag, I'll get the suitcases." He said as he parked the car and hopped out of the car.

"Thanks" I said as I got out of the car and opened the back foot to see Savannah chewing on a teething toy ring and when she saw me she dropped he ring and smiled while clapping her hands.

Shawn came up from behind me and helped me get her out of the car seat, because I can't bend down that well or else I get really bad pain. Thankfully Shawn hasn't left my side and has helped me so much though out the whole pregnancy and with the baby.

Savannah grabbed Shawn's fingers as he unbuckled her from the car seat, then Shawn picked her up and handed her to me.

"Hi sav!" I said looking into her deep brown eyes, her dark brown hair standing out against her slightly tanned skin. She looks so much like Shawn you wouldn't even be able to tell another person made her. The only thing she gets from me is my nose and that's about it.

Shawn also handed me the diaper bag so I put it over my shoulder and put Savannah on my other shoulder.

"Thank you Shawn, I'm gonna go unlock the house." I said grabbing the keys from my purse that I had also on the shoulder with the diaper bag.

"Ok" Shawn said popping up the trunk and grabbing both of our suit cases.

As I unlocked the house I opened the door to be greeted with the smell of clean linen and flowers. I set my purse down on the coat rack and walked into the kitchen setting the baby bag on the table. I looked over at Savannah to see her yawning and rubbing her eyes, indicating that she's tired.

"Let's put you down for a nap. That one hour car ride at five hour flight really made you tired huh?" I said rubbing Savannah's back and walking into her room where her crib is.

Her room is white with carpet flooring, a beautiful white crib that has a mattress and multiple little soft colorful blankets laying around on some stuffed animals. A rocking chair in the corner with a baby changing table besides it that has a bunch of drawers that is filled with her clothes that all her aunts,uncles, and friends have spoiled her with.

I set her down in her crib to see that she was already half asleep. I looked down at her in the crib and smiled.

That's our baby.

As I walked out of the room I turned off the lights and left the door open a little behind me. I walked into the living room to see Shawn rolling in our suitcases.

"Thank you honey" I said walking up to him and wrapping my arms around his torso, inhaling his scent of something sweet.

"Anything for you" He said laying his hands on the side of my head and laying a kiss on the top of my head.

"I just put Savannah down for a much needed nap." I said looking up at Shawn towering over me.

"That's good, now I can have you all to myself" He said smiling at me while grabbing my hands and leading me to our room. Our California king bed right in the middle of the wall and bedside tables one each side, and a baby monitor on my side.

"Why don't we cuddle for awhile" Shawn said sitting on the bed and grabbing my waist and hugging it as I stay stood up.

"That sounds amazing" I said bringing my legs up and straddled Shawn's waist as he leaned back and I fell onto his chest.

Shawn's presence will always be my home, just being with him makes me forget anything stressful.

"Shawn?" I asked

"Yeah" He said shifting his position a little bit.

"Can you make me some soup?" I said looking up at him, trying my best to make puppy dog eyes.

"Stomach hurts?" He questioned knowing that I always have soup when my stomach starts hurting badly.

"As always" I chuckle getting off of Shawn.

"I'll make you some soup but I want you to sit on the counter while I make it. Deal?" He asks standing up.

"Deal" I smiled giving him a kiss then walking to the kitchen.

Shawn and I both went into the kitchen and I sat on the counter near the stove watching Shawn stir the soup in the pot.

"Shawn.." I sigh.

"What's up" he says diverting his eyes from the pot to me.

"Do you want to start trying for another kid? I know you wanted a lot and if you really want another one I really don't want them to be far apart in age." I said pretty fast.

"I know your whole thing hurts you twenty four-seven, I believe Savannah was a miracle and I don't want you to be in pain anymore. You and Savannah are all that I need" Shawn said bringing me into a kiss.

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