Start from the beginning

When they came in this time, that same guy was with him, sitting on his lap as Hajun worked on his laptop. Eden and Kyung shared a suspecting look between each other, but Ayumu pinched their sides and made them step inside.

"Oh, hey guys!" Hajun waved them in, unbothered and casual. He didn't care that Sonyeol and him were caught in a position like this, considering they did it all the time now. Sonyeol bowed his head to the group, catching Kyubin's attention unlike last time.

"Do I have to go, hyung?" Sonyeol asked Hajun, wrapping his arms around his neck and leaning into him. Hajun shot an apologetic smile to Ayumu, then looked up at the big baby in his arms. "Yeah, you have to. You're annoying."

"You're so mean! Give me your wallet and I'll stop being annoying, hm?"

"Sonyeol, I'm serious. They have to leave tomorrow and we have a lot of stuff to do. You get bored easily, too." Hajun cupped his face, squishing Sonyeol's cheeks. "Go hang out with some friends until we're done, okay?"

"Fine, but one day you'll have to let me stay. I'll make sure you do." He got up to leave and was tugged back into the seat. Hajun smiled at him, holding his forearm. "And my kiss?"

Eden and Kyung laughed quietly to themselves as Sonyeol leaned in, quickly kissing Hajun on the cheek and pulling away. The pair promised to see each other again, the young male shuffling out of the room as fast as possible. The silence settled into the studio, until Ayumu spoke.

"Hm, that was cute."

"It's always cute—until they kiss you on the lips." He joked with an exaggerated frown, coaxing a giggle out of Ayumu. "And they're babies, so lip balm? Yeah, it doesn't exist in their vocab."

Eden whispered something to Kyung and Kyubin, then inserts himself into the chitchat with a charming smile. "I know what lip balm is, Hajun. How about I give you a kiss?"

"Uh, okay—so I did some mixing on a few songs," Hajun clears his throat, smoothly brushing by Eden's flirting. "Let's work on that, y-yeah?"

The pouty male slumps into the couch as Kyung comfortingly pats his shoulder ("you'll get him next time, hyung").

The director yelled 'cut' and the two actors pulled away from each other, heavily breathing as the crew started changing the set pieces. Oscar looked over at Yoonryul and watched as the timid male threw on the shirt that he removed moments ago, avoiding eye contact.

Yoonryul's head turns at the sound of his voice, humming inquisitively. "Did you say something?"

"Danny says you're a newbie. I could tell from the moment I started kissing your neck." Yoonryul's cheeks turn red, feeling some embarrassment. He hoped it wouldn't be too obvious, specifically for a bed scene — however, his lack of experience gave it away.

"It's probably the last time, so..." Yoonryul's shoulders shrugged. He didn't know what else to say and his costar wasn't really talking either. Sensing the awkwardness from his fancy director chair, Danny came over and sat on the bed with them.

"Hey, you two. That shot was okay, but it could be better, so next time I want Yoonryul to take charge." Said male practically choked on his air, alarming Danny and making Oscar laugh quite loudly. He looked at Danny with wide eyes as he blurted out, "N-Next time? There's another bed scene?"

"Uh, yeah?" Danny chuckled, patting him on the back. "Remember, this is a complex storyline. Your character has lived through a lot and he's reliving the past again. The past includes trauma, passion, sex—"

"Okay, I-I think I got it!" Yoonryul abruptly stands, turns and bows towards both of them. Oscar wraps his arms around Danny from behind, resting his chin on his shoulder as they look at the flustered male.

"You know, we could get a head start on those scenes—" Oscar couldn't get his offer out, due to Yoonryul cutting him off in the smoothest manner (well, as smooth as he could get).

"Wow, I'm starving, I should go take a break—I'm going to take a break with my boyfr—friends! With my friends, uh, yeah! I'll be back in half an hour, okay? Bye!" And he scurried off, walking slowly until he went through a group of girls, then sprinted to the dressing rooms. Danny shook his head in amusement, then looked at Oscar over his shoulder.

"Stop trying to suck his dick, goddamnit. I don't want him to drop out on this drama." He scolded. Oscar rolled his eyes, then leaned in to kiss the corner of his mouth. Suddenly, he got a crude idea in his head.

"...then how about I suck yours instead?"

Without hesitation, Danny got up and dragged his boyfriend off to the closest secluded area...which just so happened to be the dressing rooms.

Two doors down was Yoonryul's, occupied by himself and his guests — Lorenzo and Tiki. They were eating lunch together and listening to music when Yoonryul came back, looking flustered and anxious. His hair was messy, which concerned Tiki because he immediately thought his baby was in a dog fight on set.

"Hey," He breathes heavily and plops down next to his boyfriend since Lorenzo had his stuff next to him. Yoonryul sees an untouched box and he looks at both of them. "This is for me, right?"

He doesn't wait for an answer and begins eating the wrapped food from it. Lorenzo shares a look of amusement with Tiki. When he stopped devouring the meal and took a drink from Tiki's water bottle, Lorenzo cleared his throat in an attempt to get his attention. "Hey, Yoon.."

"Huh? What's up?" He furrowed his brows in confusion. For a moment, he thought Tiki had told him about their relationship and now his best friend would pull a 'You're gay but I still love you, bro' move. However, it was about Lorenzo and coming clean to Yoonryul.

"I asked you to come hangout with me on my day off, not only because you're my best friend and I wanted to see you. There's something I have to confess—but don't cry, okay?" Lorenzo grabbed Yoonryul's hands in his. He was doing okay so far and hopefully, it kept up. It was like ripping off a wax stripz He told Tiki what he was doing. The guy was pretty encouraging about it, saying Yoonryul would be overjoyed.

"You have to promise you won't cry, Yoon."

"You're scaring me, Sungie. What's the reason?" With a reassuring smile, Yoonryul squeezed his hands and pushed him on. Lorenzo found a lot of comfort in that and then, it didn't feel so scary after all.

"The reason, right. Well, I don't know how to say this, but you'll see me around after today and it won't be on days off like it is now." He saw the gears turning in Yoonryul's head, trying to make sense of the words.

"Sungie, what are you saying—"

"We're going to debut together, like we wanted." He smiled, although it faltered when tears brimmed Yoonryul's eyes. The younger male pulled his hands away from Lorenzo and slapped his chest, tears streaming down his face.

"April Fools was four months ago, jerk!" He pathetically retorted, collapsing into Lorenzo's arms as they hugged. Tiki quietly excused himself so they could have a moment alone. Lorenzo smiled to himself as he held his best friend.

Yoonryul's tears were of joy, not sadness. Thank god.

get me a friendship like this @ jah

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