Aletha POV
There was only one way I knew how to deal with my emotions.
Through pain.
Not my own of course, but the pain of others who deserved it.

Justice, if you will.

Tonight, justice would be served on a cold platter with a side of torn limbs and bloodshed.

The screams of pain erupt from the rogue echoing in the cold cell. His whimpers and snarls falling on def ears. Begging me for mercy, mercy he would never receive.
I clean my knife with a towel, wiping the blood off and adding another finger to the bucket.
"3 out of 10. Nice. Let's make it 4 shall we?" I ask him.
He cries out begging me not to "Please! Please, no! No more!"
I get in his face "we don't have to do this rogue, tell me why you're here and who sent you, I might even think about letting you keep the rest of your fingers if you do."
He only begins to cry even more. Pathetic.
"I can't. I can't do that. She'll kill me. She'll kill me." He repeats.
I growl at him, frustration growing within me.
"I'LL KILL YOU IF YOU DON'T TELL ME" I yell, slicing off another finger.
"AHHHH NOO! PLEASE! NO! AHHH" he cries out, the pain in his voice was clear. Just as I intended. I drop his finger into the bucket that held the other 3.
I hear the prison doors opening and look up to see who it was, trying my best not to make eye contact with Ace when I do.
I didn't want to see the emotions on his face, telling me what he thought of me now that he'd seen my darker parts. He'd been here along with his company and Grace, the entire duration of my interrogation.
If he wanted to be my mate before, he sure as hell wouldn't want to be now.

Zaine comes in from the prison doors, smirking when he sees the finger bucket.
"Nice collection you got going there" He comments, amusement shining in his eyes.
"Thank you, by tonight I should have 6 more to add to it." I reply causing the rogue to whimper and cry out.
"The guards that were on south border patrol duty tonight are waiting for you in your office."
"They'll have to wait a little longer, I'm in the middle of something" I tell him while grabbing more tools out of my tool bag.
"Of course Alpha" He says leaving.
We all stand in silence, except the rogue, as I decide which tool to use. Deciding on one of my favorites, a 437 kumbaya whip that's embedded with sharp glass pieces, I begin to take it out.
"Grace, will you question the guards in my office. Ask them how in the hell these rouges were able to get through. I'll be leaving here a little late." I tell her.
"Yes Alpha" she nods and leaves.
I begin to tie up the rogue to a pole centered in the middle of the room. Ignoring his cries and pleas. I tie him up so his back is facing me.
I grab the whip from my bag and as I do I hear a gasp come from Ace's beta Jackson's mouth.
I look up at him meeting his awe filled eyes. He looked as if someone just told him he won a million dollars.
"A 437 Kumbaya whip" he says, his voice just a whisper.
I look at him, curious. "You're familiar?"
He looks at me excited. "Yes, well no, I've seen it being used, but I've never used it myself before." He says a little disappointed.
"Would you like to?" I ask.
His eyes shoot up to me, a vibrant blue shining with adoration and excitement. "You're serious?" He asks. I only nod my head.
"Of course. Of course I'd love to use it" he makes his way towards me, before stopping quickly, shooting his Alpha a look, asking if he could.
That's when I finally look at Ace. His eyes gleam with amusement at his beta and he nods his head giving him permission. Beta Jackson lets out an excited squeal, surprising me, and makes his way into the cell.
I hand him the whip "go to town, just don't kill him" I tell him. He nods his head and throws me a big grateful smile and wink. Ace growls at him and the beta hides his smiling face from his Alpha. I make my way out the cell and stand outside of it with Ace and his friend Nikolai, watching the beta use the whip on the rogue. The rogues screams fill the cell and bring joy to me. I'll get him to speak soon enough.
"Thank you for allowing my Beta to use the whip. He's been begging me to let him use mine, but I always tell him no" Ace says, shocking me.
This whole time I've been a little scared that he would reject me, once he seen this side of me, and it turns out he uses the same exact whip I do.
For some peculiar reason, this make me happy.
"It's really no problem, I've had my share of fun with that whip" I reply sending him a smile. He smiles back at me showing me his pearly white and straight teeth. For a minute we just stop and stare, there was nothing else but each other. The mate bond begins to tingle and I know he can feel it to because his eyes turn dark and he looks at me as if I'm his prey. That thought sends a warm feeling into my lower regions.
We're broken out of the spell by the cries of the rogue and the shouting excited Beta.
"This is awesome!"
"Please I beg you! No more! Have mercy on me! Please no! I'll tell you! I'll tell you, just make it stop!" At this, the beta stops whipping him and I walk into the cell, crouching down to his level, I grab his chin roughly and say"Tell me, everything."
He nods his head "we have a leader, I don't know her name, I really don't. No one knows what she looks like, we just know that if we don't listen to her then there's consequences." He tells me.

"Rogue, are you trying to tell me that you have a leader but no one has ever seen her?" I ask, infuriated that he's trying to lie to me. I grab a knife and stab it in his thigh. He screams out in pain. "Don't take me for a fool, rogue. Tell me what you know right now"I tell him, twisting the knife. He cries out in pain.
"Ok ok, I'm sorry I'm so sorry, sh-she goes by Riaffa. But I really don't know what she looks like! I promise I'm not lying. She d-doesn't show us h-her face. She always w-wears a mask. A ma-masquerade mask." I look into his eyes and try to tell if he's lying. Once I think he's not I tell him to go on.
"She t-tells us that she is g-getting revenge on a man w-who she use to love. And that she n-needs our help. At f-first we tried to r-refuse, but then she would send her own wolves after us. They were always bigger than us so we'd be killed quickly. S-So we have to do what she s-says now or she will k-kill us." He tells me.
I think for a second, so there's  a faceless rogue leader that's forcing them to help her get revenge on a man she loves?
"What does any of this have to do with the attack on my pack, rogue?"
"S-She didn't tell us w-why but she said t-that you were c-crucial to take d-down. So she sent 34 of us t-to kill you." Kill me?
"So what in the hell were you doing killing my pack members?" I snarl at him.
"W-we weren't s-suppose to." He says.
"What else does she plan on doing rogue, don't lie to me, I know you know" I ask him.
"If I tell you, will you stop t-torturing me?"
I clench my jaw and my fists.
"Yes, rogue, You have my word " Ace and his beta throw me confused looks, while his friend Nikolai looks at me like he knows my plan.
"She is going to go after t-the biggest pack in R-Russia next. But o-only after she d-destroys your pack." He says.
I look towards Ace. The Crystal Blood pack. That's the biggest pack in Russia. His pack.
He looks infuriated and resentful.

I look back at the rogue, I was tired and ready to go home.
"Is that all you know?" I ask him.
He nods his head at me.
"Alright. I gave you my word." I tell him.
I untie him from the pole and lay him down on the floor. His body is shaking and he cries from relief.

I lean down to his ear.

"And I always keep my word" I whisper, right before I plunge my hand into his body and tear his heart out from his chest.

Hello to you guys not skipping this lol.
If you want can you tell me how the books going so far because I've only got a few votes (thank you to whoever is voting) and I want some feedback on my book.
Thank you!

Vote please!!

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