Two Queens (part 3)

Start from the beginning

Tyrion rubbed his hands together "You are aware of the rumour that Kara Snow took a knife to the heart for saving lives?"

Lena nodded

"I think you should come see for yourself"

Lena was brought into a room, she found Kara lying on a bed sleeping peacefully. The sheets covered her to her waist with a simple binding over her chest. That's when Lena saw the scars, not from the days attack but old ones.

The worst was one that sticking out from under the bindings. The blade that created that wound would have entered her heart and yet she was still alive.

Lena excused the maester and pulled up a chair and sat next to the bed and continued to observe her wounds. Her left arm was wrapped from the arrow wound as was her waist, Lena didn't realise the extent of the wounds she suffered from

"Paint a painting, it'll last longer"

Lena was caught of guard by Kara's voice. The blonde chuckled painfully "I'm sorry your Grace"

Lena couldn't stop herself from grabbing Kara's hand gently "You have no reason to be. You saved my life"

Kara shifted in the bed to try and get comfortable. She noticed that most of her body was exposed "Sorry for lying, I don't like parading around the fact that I was brought back to life" she pulled up the sheet to cover herself

Lena found herself being disappointed but she would never admit it. "I think anything you've done against me is no longer valid. You sacrificed yourself, you knew the risks"

Kara shook her head "At my core I'm a soldier. I fight when necessary and save lives if I can"

There was an awkward silence. Lena cleared her throat and sat up "I wish you a swift recovery so you can return home soon. Tyrion will give a raven"

Kara's cheeks flushed "Yeah, of course. Thank you, um...bye"

Next time Kara saw Lena was in the throne room once again. It had been two weeks since the attack and Kara had almost healed but she refused to stay in a bed for any longer, especially when her siblings were waiting for her in Winterfell. Sansa had received her raven and sent one back saying Sansa had killed Littlefinger with Arya's help

Kara was glad the man was gone, she never trusted him.

"Your Grace, I think it's about time I head home" Kara grinned slightly, she didn't want to show it still hurt to breathe.

"You shall not be heading home alone" Lena spoke

Kara head titled in confusion. She opened her mouth to reply but Lena held her hand up which promptly shut Kara up

"I have decided to put a hold on my war with Cersei to aid you in the North. However if your 'Dead' end up being false you have found yourself a new enemy"

Kara jaw dropped "Your Grace, Thank you But-"

"You have proved yourself to be a worthy queen. We will deal with the crown later on" Lena stood from her throne and walked down to the gaping queen

"My men are preparing ships at this moment. Prepare yourself, we shall be traveling together" Lena walked past Kara nudging her shoulder slightly

"Thank you Your Grace" Kara said, Lena was standing behind her

"You earned it"

Kara took a deep breath, she was once again on a boat. This time with dragonglass and two armies and three dragons. She knocked the door, Lena opened the door slightly



Lena let Kara into the room, as soon as the door closed Kara pushed Lena against the wall.

"You're mine now" Kara whispered into Lena's ear

Kara walked into Winterfell, her childhood home with a smile on her face. She glanced around the crowd looking for her siblings that's when she saw Sansa.

They siblings ran over and embraced each other. Kara groaned in pain at the sudden shock

"Oh I'm so sorry" Sansa fretted

"It's ok, I missed you" Kara looked over to find her brother sitting in his chair. She walked over and hugged him but he didn't hug back

"Welcome back Your Grace"

Kara shuttered at the empty look in his eyes. She walked back to Sansa, she heard some clear their throat

She turned around to find Lena, "Right, Sansa this Queen Lena Targaryen"

Sansa smiled coldly "Welcome to Winterfell your Grace"

"You are as beautiful as your sister said" Lena shook Sansa. Her voice was equally as cold

Kara found herself frowning at the interaction. "Queen Lena has promised her aid for the Great War on the only condition we are allies in her war against Cersei"

"I'm glad someone my sister trusts will put an end to that monster" Sansa was still as cold

Kara could tell they didn't like each other. She couldn't tell why, or maybe was just being naive

"Lady Stark do you mind helping Her Grace to her chamber? I wish to visit the Godswood" Kara asked, when Sansa nodded Kara excused herself.

Kara wiped a stray tear away as she looked at the white tree "I did it father. I have done all I could to defend them"

"You're shorter then I remember"

Kara turned around to find her little sister "How did you sneak up on me?" She didn't hear the snow break

"How did you survive a knife to the heart" Arya asked

Kara stared at her sister, she had grown. The sword she had given her all those years ago was still on her side.

The siblings ran and embraced each other "Where the hell have you been" Kara asked as another tear slipped from her eye

"Getting ready"

It was a vague answer but Kara didn't care. She had her little sister back, despite the emptiness in her voice she heard

They pulled apart "You've probably been through hell" Kara spoke

"Sure, I'm impressed you didn't loose your crown" Arya smirked

Kara pretended to put a crown on her head and put on a proper accent "I am a queen"

Arya snorted "You don't suit it"

"I know, come on it's cold"

Kara found herself cuddling Lena in her bed, she snuggled her head into Lena's dark hair "You know, if we don't make it through the Great War. I'm glad I got to meet you"

"So am I"

There you guys go


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