I headed back home after my extracurricular activities. I went to my beloved alcohol and poured myself a fine aged Brandy and downed the entire glass and then another and another and another until I was just drinking from the bottle. This is how I live my life, no worries, no cares, only me, myself and I. Soon I will have Katherine back and we can leave this desolate town.

The front door opened and shut. I walked in the middle of the parlor to find Stefan holding what looked like a rag doll with beautiful brown hair and perfect skin- wait.

"Blair?" I asked noticing the neck wound that was healing slightly. "Stefan tell me that's not Blair."

"It's not Blair, Damon." I sighed in relief, but my satisfaction was short lived. "It's Arielle." He said with disappointment coating her name. "Why is Vicki Donavon a vampire Damon?"

"Because this town needs to pay for what they did back in 1864, Stefan. It's their fault and Father's that we're like this!" I argued.

"No Damon, it's Katherine's! She has you so wrapped around her twisted finger that you can't tell what's real anymore! She didn't care about us Damon! We were compelled!" He yelled. Poor baby brother.

"Oh brother. You're sadly mistaken. I was never compelled by Katherine. It was all real for me." I confessed. My eyes caught to Arielle as Stefan laid her down on the small parlor couch. She just flopped without any life running through her. I could hear her heartbeat, but only faintly.

As Stef looked at her, I could see that there was something behind those hazel eyes and hero hair of his. "So when did you start to like the youngest Faye sister?" I smirked catching him off guard.

"I don't like her. Not romantically at least. She's too kind and caring to be wrapped up in this world Damon." He said not taking his eyes off of her. I didn't blame him. Arielle was a beautiful girl, like Katherine in that department, but her personality was like Elena's. I cringed at the thought of Arielle being like Elena, all self-righteous and what not.

There was something about these two girls. Blair had fire and passion, as did Arielle. Arielle was the fragile girl that anyone would be afraid to break, but not me. I want to see how tough she can be.

I can't let these girls get to me. I'm here for Katherine and no one else.

Blair's POV

After Damon zoomed away from me, I found my friends and joined them. I was worried about Arielle, but I knew she would be alright because she's old enough to take care of herself. Although, I did have that bad feeling that she was hurt and I needed to help her. Maybe our sister bond was activating? I could only think of what sarcastic comment Damon would have made and how his blue eyes would light up when-NO!

After that night I told myself to never think about how sexy, or charming, or funny he is, but he makes it so hard with that smirk and his eye thing. I knew Arielle would be attracted to him too, but I just hoped that she would listen to me for once, but once again my hopes failed. When I found her flirting with him at the bar, I felt nothing but jealousy towards her. Damon was my flirt buddy, but I knew that that sounded petty and clingy and I didn't want him to know that I was still attracted to him after that drunk night together. I told Damon to never tell anyone about that night because I don't want people to think less of me for it. Even though I was drunk off my ass, I enjoyed it because I felt Damon and I had that connection that I had always wanted. He was something special in my life and didn't want to lose him to anyone, especially my sister.

I walked out of the grill, still having that bad feeling in my gut. I walked to my car and got in. I dug in my bag for my keys, which I was always losing. I swear if my head wasn't attached to my body I would lose it too. I heard a knock on my window which caused me to jump in fright. I turned my head to see Tyler there.

"Are you trying to kill me, Lockwood!?" I yelled.

"Sorry Blair, but where did your sister go?" He asked. Wait, Arielle wasn't back in the grill with him? I know I saw them together in there.

"She's not with you?" I asked worried. She's only here for a few hours and she goes missing. Good job Arielle! "I'll go to the boarding house and see if the brothers have seen her."

I raced towards the Salvatore boarding house with worry covering my hands as they shook on the steering wheel. When I finally pulled into the driveway, I ran to the door and swung it open. Damon and Stefan were staring at a girl lying on the couch. Her brown hair, medium complexion-Arielle!

"What the hell happened!?" I said rushing towards her.

"Life happened, Blair." Damon said. I looked at him and made eye contact for a few moments. Maybe that night wasn't the worst thing in the world.

What does this man do to me?


Sooooo maybe medium chapter! Okay so Is bad that this was just coming from my head??

So Darielle or Blamon??




Thanks for reading!!!❤️

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