Chapter 25

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The contractions I was having were getting more and more painful after every one. Rory and I got to the hospital and I was taken in a room almost immediately. They checked me out, and said there was nothing that I could do, these babies are coming out early. I can't believe that Ash is going to miss this again. Rory was in the hall trying to get a hold of Luke, but they were on a plane and there was nothing she could do right now. I know how badly Ashton wanted to be here for the birth of our twins.

Bella was sitting in a chair next to me, crying. She was scared because I was in pain, and she didn't know what was wrong. I tried explaining to her that I am okay, but she doesn't really understand. She kept asking for Uncle Mikey to take her home, but he was on his way to the other side of the world. Uncle Mikey was there for her when Ash and I couldn't, and I'm grateful for that.

"Hey, they just landed, Luke finally texted me back!" Rory jumped, and exited the room to call him to tell him whats going on. I could hear her half of the conversation between her and Luke. She handed me over the phone and mouthed 'It's Ash'.

"Hey baby." I croaked out.

"How the hell did this happen. Like right now?!" He said, panicked.

"I know, I'm sorry." A tear fell down my cheek.

"Babe, I can't come back for at least another week or two. I don't know what to do, I'm sorry." I could tell by the way his voice was, he was fighting back tears.

"It's okay, don't worry about me." I said. "I've done this alone once before, I think I can do it again." I shrugged.

"I wish you didn't have to. I'm sorry. Where's Bella?" Ash asked.

"She's right here. I was gonna call your mom to see if she could come get her. She keeps asking for Michael. Could you put him on the phone if he's around?" Bella perked up at the sound of his name. Gosh I cannot get over how much Bella loves them.

"Yeah, he's right here, hold on." I put my phone on speaker.

"Bella?" Michael asked, his voice coming through the phone.

"Mikey!!!" Bella jumped up to me, grabbing my phone, and I couldn't help but smile.

"Hey baby girl, I miss you!" Bella and Michael had a short conversation. Talking to an almost 2 year old on the phone can get confusing. I got my phone back from Bella and talked to Ash again.

"Babe I'll be in a hotel in like an hour, and I'll have the rest of night by myself. Can we like Skype through this? I don't want to miss a thing." Ashton suggested.

"Yeah because I'm gonna wanna Skype you while I pop out babies." I said sarcastically.

"Bryar, seriously." I can just Imagine Ash giving me his cute puppy eyes, staring into my soul and controlling me with them.

"Fine, I'll have your mom bring my laptop when she comes to get Bella."

"My mom! Why don't you have my mom stay with you? I'm sure she'd love to be there. She may not like the idea of more grandchildren, but I'm sure she wouldn't say no if you asked. I mean, you are her future daughter in law."

"Alright Ash, I've gotta go. I'll Skype you in an hour I promise. I love you." I smiled to myself.

"I love you too. Be strong Bry." With that, we hung up. I called Anne, Ashtons mom, and she was so understanding, and was on her way. She left Harry at his friends house, and brought Lauren to be here for the experience, and watch Bella too. Gosh Anne is amazing, and like a mother I never had growing up. Rory left to grab me some decent food instead of the hospital food they delivered every few hours.

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