"Kookie... Calm down. You are breathing too fast." Taehyung raised both his arms up as a display of friendliness. He was approaching with caution as though Jungkook was a little bunny, scared and lost.

"None of you cared about me at all. You guys don't want me at all. I am just a nothing to all of you!" Jungkook started to whimper as he tried to slow his breathing.

"Bunny, look at me." Yoongi was slowly inching himself closer to Jungkook so that he could look him into his eyes. "We care about you. You are our precious maknae. Nothing will stop us from caring about you. We love you and we want you. Whether you like it or not, we are not going to let go of you. If you don't trust others, then you should trust me at the very least." Yoongi spoke softly.

Jungkook doesn't believe though. "No! No! No! No! No! Stop lying to me! You guys don't want me at all! You guys ignored me! You guys abandoned me!"

By now, Jungkook had stood up and away from the couch, and pushed himself against the wall.

Heartbroken at the sight of his baby maknae crying his heart out, Jin leaned forward. "Kookie-ah. Please trust us. We really do care about you. We are never going to abandon you, not in the past, not now and definitely not in the future."

Everyone could see the hesitance in Jungkook's eyes, and they wait for their maknae to process what was just said.

The angel and devil in Jungkook's mind were having an endless war. He wanted to believe what his hyungs were saying but he also had his fears that such thing might happen again. He knew that he will never be able to handle his jealousy issues and situation like this are definitely bound to happen again. And if it did, are his hyungs going to ignore him again? It has been hell to him to experience once, he can't imagine experiencing it again.

Jungkook did not know that he had started hyperventilating until he felt his bottom hit the ground and heard what seemed like Yoongi's and Jin's muffled shouts around him.

"Bunny, can you hear me? I need you to breathe slowly. Follow what I say and breathe together with me."

"Kookie-ah, calm down. Hyung is here. We will take care of you. Stay focused and breathe slowly. Listen to Yoongi, follow his voice."

Jungkook could not comprehend what was happening around him. He was drowning in his own internal battle. Multiple flashes of memories flood through his mind. He was overwhelmed. He felt suffocated. Darkness is starting to close in on him. He wants to stop everything.

Too many things happened at the same time. And Jungkook, he just wanted to escape from all these.

"He's not breathing properly now! Somebody call—"

"I've already called Sejin-hyung. He's on his way now with Hobeom-hyung. They are just 5-minutes' drive away from here." Hoseok said calmly.

"Bunny. Jungkook. Kookie. Can you hear me? Baby, answer me."

Yoongi tried to grab hold of Jungkook in attempt to calm him down but was met with a violent reaction from the maknae.

"Don't touch me! Get your hands off me! Don't come near me! Go away!"

"Not good. His breathing is getting more erratic. Yoongi-ah, help me. We need to get him to stand up and sit on the couch." Jin said as he tried to hold on to Jungkook as well.

"No! Don't fucking touch me! Get your hands off me! You guys said it. I am not Little! I am nothing but just a bother to you guys! Let go! Fucking let me go!"

"Yah, Jeon Jungkook! You know we don't tolerate such foul languages in the house. So, mind your words."

"Hyung! Seriously?! Is this what you can think of right now? For a person with a genius IQ, I really doubt your intellectual level." Jimin whom has been standing in a corner of the room and keeping quiet since just now, finally spoke up.

Namjoon pursed his lips and decided to shut his mouth, for he knew that an angry Jimin is a scary Jimin.

"Kookie-ah. Listen. We are not going to harm you. Just relax and we will take care of you, okay?"

"Yes, Hobi-hyung is right. Calm down, bunny. We are all here for you." Taehyung pleaded desperately.

"Fuck no! From the moment you guys started ignoring me, you all have lost your rights as my caregivers! You guys don't want me anymore and so do I! I don't want and don't need you guys too! Fucking let me go!"

As Jungkook's words sank in, his hyungs felt as though someone had punched them in their stomach. They had never thought of not wanting their precious bunny anymore. How in the world did Jungkook get such an impression on them?

By this time, Jungkook was in the tight grasp of Jin, along with Yoongi whom is struggling to support the maknae. It was apparent that the two hyungs had inevitably suffered kicks and nail scratches from Jungkook and if it hurt them, they didn't show it.

After what seemed like five to ten minutes later, they managed to seat Jungkook down on the couch. He had already stopped shouting and struggling. He was just sniffling and mumbling repeatedly, "Let me go, you guys don't care about me at all."

Jin sat himself down as well and he was still hugging the poor bunny, rubbing his back and murmuring assurances to him.

It is at this time that the front door burst open.

"Where is he?! Is he okay now?! Is he still conscious?! What exactly happened?!" Sejin's and Hobeom's voices boomed across the entire apartment.

The two managers paused in their tracks as they took in the scene in front of them.

Jungkook was staring blankly ahead of him, dried tear tracks on his cheeks, and hair disheveled. Jin and Yoongi were crowding beside him, caressing Jungkook's hands with the softest touch. The 94-liners and 95-liners were standing at different sides of the couch.

Sejin and Hobeom stole a glance at each other before turning their heads to the boys and said,

"We need to talk. Now."

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