pointless [35]

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My head was spinning erratically, and my mind couldn't focus on anything but the constant movement that caused me to move like a baby giraffe learning how to walk. "Sienna, you need to stop drinking so much." Daniel said in a concerned tone, pulling me beside towards the edge of a kitchen counter.

"And you, need to stop being so protective." I giggled, prodding his hard chest with my index finger.

The music surrounding us was loud and buzzing, I could only focus on Daniel's pink lips moving in the dimly, yet brightly lit kitchen. Daniel's leaned on the kitchen counter, his long muscular arms holding him upright, Daniel leans in closely yet slowly, missing my lips. I frown in disappointment, "You're so annoying when you're drunk." He whispers just loud enough for me to hear in my ear.

I pout like a baby, "That's not very nice."

He flashes a smile, the dimple in his cheek deepening, "You know I was--"

Out of nowhere, a girl just slightly taller than me approaches Daniel, "Hey Daniel," she spoke enticingly, her voice laced with charm and charisma. She tip toed up to whisper something in his ear. My eyebrows furrowed, my head boiling with jealousy.

"That does sound like an intriguing offer, but, I'm sorry, I have to take care of this psychotic dog right here." He says, patting my head like an actual dog.

She crosses her arms, her face masked with enrage, "When does Daniel Grayson, turn down an offer?" She spat.

Daniel leans in, staring dangerously at the girl's face, "You know, I don't hit girls, but your face looks extremely tempting." The girl mouth falls agape. She grits her teeth.

"Fine, have fun with that bitch." She raged before walking off.

Daniel's jaw hardened, his knuckles whitening. He was about to chase after the girl, but I grabbed his wrist before he started a fistful fight with a girl. I highly doubt he'd hit a girl though, right? "You're gonna make a scene."

"You're really gonna let her get away with it?" His jaw was tensed as anger surged through Daniel. I shrugged, letting out a flirtatious laugh, teeth showing and all. He rolls his eyes, clutching onto my wrist and dragging me up the stairs. I yanked his hand off me. Widening my eyes to indicate that no one could know about us. "I'm just guiding you up the stairs cause you're drunk, that's what friends do." Reassuring me that I'm just overthinking things.

We went upstairs, well to the massive bathroom more specifically and well, I vomited.

Daniel piled my hair back into a bun, whilst patting my back with his left hand as I puked out all the alcohol left in my system. The taste was metallic and disgusting and I hated every moment of it. I wiped my mouth with my arms, signifying to Daniel that I was done.

"You look so much better when you're drunk. So ugly." Daniel stated, letting go of my hair to flush the toilet.

I furrow my brows, "You know, your sarcasm isn't needed right now. I could vomit all over you and I wouldn't feel guilty at all." I snapped, my head was still spinning, but I felt slightly better.

I moved towards the door from the toilet, my back leaning against the door and my legs close to my chest. My hair was messily sprawled around my face like a deranged, demonic monster.

The bathroom was brightly lit, and the sound of the music was quieter. It was just me and Daniel in the bathroom. How unhygienic. 

He sat next to me, his arm lying effortlessly on his knee, similar to how I was sitting. I look at him, a smile tugging on his lips. He leaned in closer, until the distance between us was three or five centimetres or so.

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