Amare [32]

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Whatever is going on right now felt right; the emotions and feelings and explosions which were occurring right now at this very moment was so surreal, so extraordinary. I had no doubts nor regrets about this, no pull backs or thoughts about anything, just the only person in front of me who I shared a kiss with, who was wrapping me in his embrace. Love.

Daniel's warm hands were cupping my flaming red cheeks. The kiss was soft; delicate. My heart was beating as fast as his is; his heart crashing against his chest too, like he was hesitant; something I've never seen Daniel feel.

Fireworks were exploding everywhere and my legs started to become jelly. I wanted to savour his sweet, minty taste forever; keep him close to me; feel this exotic surge in my body overpower me; making me weak as our breath mingle in the balmy air. Everything around us froze, yet our bodies were so hot, as if we were melting into each other.

The kiss was so delicate, so- amazing.

Daniel reluctantly pulls his lips away from mine slowly but gently, his forehead against mine and his hands still cupping my cheeks. I didn't realise I was on my tip toes, or that I suddenly felt the urge to kiss him again. I restrained myself from doing so. A smile tugs at his lips, a flaming sensation burning in his gorgeous blue eyes and pink lips. He pushes away a strand of hair from my face with his thumb, our faces close together. "I've been waiting to do that for a very long time." He murmured breathlessly.

My eyes were still closed, his lips leaving a mesmerising touch, something I could not forget. I couldn't believe this was happening. I really couldn't.


An hour ago, I sent my mum a text telling her I'd be home late today 'catching up on homework', when really I was just here; laying in these thick blankets, full up from the lunch/dinner Daniel's mum had made us, gazing at the stars which scattered in the night sky above me and Daniel's heads. His arm was enveloped around my neck and over my shoulder, his other arm as a substitute pillow. Who would have thought being with Daniel felt safe and cosy? His body heat, radiating off him, was the only thing keeping me warm as the night got slightly colder.

He was so lovely, so alluring in the most charming, non cringe way.

He shot a quick side ways glance in the corner of his eye, "Would you stop staring at me like that? It's starting to get creepy." I furrowed my brows, "Fine, it's slightly... cute." He managed to spit out.

I arched my eyebrows, "Aww," I beamed, "Daniel finds me cute."

"Shut up, Marie."

"Dipshit." I mumbled wittily.


I laughed quietly, "Nothing."

And then it hit me.

What was I going to do with this revenge plan Sophia had planned? It was like someone had punched me in the stomach. A lump had formed in my throat, I swallowed it nervously. This ruined a perfectly good and amazing moment. This just had to happen. I suddenly wished this never happened, but you can't change the past or go back in time. That just sucks, this really does suck.

"So..." I paused, "What does this make us?" I query, looking up at Daniel who stares at the sky.

He gazes back down at me, "I don't know; the kind of people that kiss and make out are called that funny word-"

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