part 1.

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"Nigga I know you did not just say this shit equals 30x" I stare at my best friend Zion in awe at his stupidity.
"So you goin act like you didn't know Nixon was a president of the United States?" Zion scoffs rolling his eyes at me.
I punch his shoulder in embarrassment and flip him off.
"Damn girl, it ain't ever THAT serious," Zion laughs while rubbing his shoulder to ease the pain.
"I bet your headass is gonna fail," Zion tells me as I'm on my phone while we were studying for the hardest test of the year.
"Stfu I already have a B in this class"
"You'd have an A if you stopped texting that tik tok fuckboy," Zion tells me and I'm about ready to slap his stupid face.
"Zion do you ever shut up"
"Ethan and his hoe ass can go suck my d-" Zion sneered knowing it'd piss me off.
"You're saying this as if you're not a fuckboy," I say getting annoyed.
"oNLy a fUCkbOY fOr yOU" zion jokes.  "but do you seriously like him?"
I have a crush on this guy, Ethan Fair. He's a tik tok boy and he goes to our school too. We're friends and I feel like he likes me but I'm not sure. Zion definitely doesn't like him and I don't know why! Zion needs to get over himself.
"Well duh," I said, still texting Ethan.
"I hate that kid," Zion says looking hella mad for no reason.
"Nigga what he do to you" I laugh seeing that zion has a very strong opinion about him.
"He probably has the highest body count in the school and uses girls for their body," Zion accused.
"How tf would you know? And haha you scared cuz you got competition now" I teased.
"I hate you." Zion rolls his eyes and shoves my shoulder before looking back at his notes again.
"Only cuz I'm right."
"Well anyway, you tryna go out for lunch?" Zion asks me, getting bored of studying.
"Hell yeah. This shits hella boring." I say shoving all my binders back into my backpack. "Where you tryna go?"
"The chickfila down the block?"
"bet lets go! im lowkey starving." I say as we both get out of my bedroom and walk out of the house.
"you order ill find a table. I'll just have the same thing I get every time" i tell zion and he nods before i walk to find us a table.
As I'm about to sit down, I hear someone yell my name. I look back and see that it's Ethan!
"Oh my god hey Ethan!" I say walking up to him and he goes in for a hug.
"you here alone?" Ethan asks me, since I'm sitting alone at the moment.
"No im here with Zion, you?"
"Oh. im here with Chris and Hayden." His smile disappeared as soon as I said zions name.
What is up with these two? Jesus.
"Leila where we sitting-" Zion asks walking up to me but stops as soon as he sees Ethan.
They both roll their eyes and suddenly this was hella awkward.
"Well uh, me and Zion are gonna go eat, but it was nice seeing you, E." I say trying to get out of that conversation immediately.
"Yeah! I'll text you." He says winking at me and walking back to his friends.
Zion already found a table to sit at so I go to sit right next to him.
"Yo what the fuck was that?" I ask confused about their awkward interaction.
"Leila, I been told ya we don't get along" Zion tells me getting annoyed.
"But I just don't get why! you guys are like the same person!"
"I'm lowkey offended by that statement..." Zion says before he takes a big bite into his sandwich.
"Zion, come on."
"He's not a good guy at all, Leila. he's not good enough for you."
"What's so bad about him? He's been nothing but nice to me!"
"It's all an act just to get in your pants. im telling you!" Zion says getting mad and raising his voice a bit.
"Zion relax. he would never do that to me." I say in defense. "Can you just trust me?"
"Why wont you trust me? he's done shit like this before. that's why I hate his ass so much. Why don't you understand!?" Zion snapped.
"Woah z, I'm sorry." I said gently.
"No, I'm sorry. We shouldn't be arguing. Especially in a chick fil a." He apologizes.
"It's alright. you're just looking out for me. thanks. but I'm sure Ethan would treat me right. And besides, it's not like we're dating yet. You've got nothing to worry about at least for now."
"I guess" Zion says before taking a sip of his mountain dew.

*days later*
i've been keeping in touch with ethan and so far it's going really well for me. he's really nice but zion still has a problem with him for no reason. i've been trying to ignore it but it's been really getting on my nerves lately, so now i have nobody to talk to about my problems with zion, considering he's my closest friend. the next best thing is one of my other best friends, tiana. she just understands me and we clicked really well from when we first met freshman year. it's crazy how we're already seniors.
"LEILAAAAAAA" tiana yells running over to me.
"i need to talk to you" i tell her with a concerned look on my face.
"what happened?"
"its zion. he's been acting really weird lately and i don't know why."
"well have you been talking to anyone recently? you know how protective he gets, especially when it comes to you."
"yeah, i mean i know he has a problem with me talking to ethan. do you know anything about that btw?"
"look, all i know is that they've never gotten along. something about ethan wanting to ask you out since sophomore year or something. AND- before you freak out, it was just a rumor idek if it's true or not"
" i mean, as much as i want it to be true, it's probably not. i mean have you seen him? 🤤🥵"
"ugh the bell's ringing. i'll talk to you later about this. have fun with the hulk in first period"
"girl if you don't- byE".

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2019 ⏰

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