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.... pov

I watched her everyday from afar I watched as she drank and drank and drank she was an unfit mother she didn't deserve her son she didn't love him I dialed the number letting it ring several times

Ayla: yes

Me: I need a favor I huge favor

Ayla:I'm listening

I told her my plans and she only agreed she was my sister why wouldn't she agree to some shit like this

Miracle pov

I woke up in the hospital everyone surrounded me with concern eyes I looked at them wondering how did I get here

"You okay" my mother asked why was she out she was suppose to be in bed

"How did I get here"

"You had alcohol poisoning"tay mumbled


"You got to get your shit together miracle I know Dino was a great loss for all of us but you have a fiancé that's worried sick and most certainly a fucking son don't kill your I know it's not easy right now with everything on you but you have to do something" she told me

"I'm trying"

"WELL TRY HARDER" she yelled "I can't loose you too" now she was in full blown tears which made my heart hurt even more I had to get my shit together but how can I when I can barley get up i can barley pick my face off the floor

"Babe can you please try for me" Dee asked I just looked with watery eyes

"Yeah I'll try"

"I need you strong for our wedding we don't need anymore visit to the hospital" he kissed me I just nodded my head he handed me royal who was sucking in his finger

"Aww mama baby missed you"

He just smiled before another knock interrupted us I guess it was dave and Layla sense they where the only ones not here at the moment but I'm walked a lady in a black suit and heels hair tied back

"Can I speak to ms.watts alone" the lady instructed

"Why who are you looking like a detective from men in black" tiny jokes making everybody laugh and agree

"I'm with child social services" she snapped and everyone look at her crazy then at me

"What is this about ma'am"my mother asked

"I'm here to take royal east due to an unfit environment that he has been raised in and by the looks of it and reading over your chart you are here for alcohol poisoning" she asked me idk why but tay stood up

"Bitch you better get out of here before we beat your ass and I mean that my nephew ain't going nowhere with you"

"You really have no choice"

"How df u get her file anyways isn't that against the law we can sue y'all and this hospital your not allowed to know that information without the patient knowledge" nia stood up

"You right so your fraud ass better leave up out of here before u get your ass whooped from here to there"

"I'm sorry I have court order to take the son" she said handing me the paper tears swelled up in my eyes because the papers seemed real this can't be real right now I can't let them take my son a officer walked in telling em the protocol before ripping my son out of my hands

"He has an active father why can't he go with him" my mother asked

"Is the father here"

"No but we are about to call him and he should be on his way" tay said everybody got their phones out calling dave but no answers from anyone we then called Layla but no answered

"Looks like I'll be seeing you in court ms.watts" the lady said taking my screaming son

"Ma they can't do this"

"Baby I know we gone get to the bottom of this"

"What was that lady name and the officers name" tiny asked

"Idk they didn't say"

"Some about this don't feel right Miracle we should have called the police before this happened" tiny

"They had the police already" I cried

"Naw like our own some in me telling me some not right idk what it is Courtney run down to the lobby with Me" tiny said

"Yes that my man playing detective he getting some pussy tonight" nia smiled we all looked at her

Ayla pov

I got to the destination with the little boy I took my hair out my bun rolling my eyes I shouldn't have agreed to this but for my siblings I would do anything plus the money I was getting paid just to frame myself as a social worker was everything I grabbed the baby as he continued to cry I walked over to my bestfriend who was dressed as a cop

"Yo this is wild even for y'all" he shook his head

"Well you know us but thanks for falling through and helping me"

"Never a problem"

I walked the baby in the room sitting him down and making him shit the hell up all that damn crying

"Is he here" ... asked

" yeah and crying his ass off"

"It's okay welcome you new nephew to the family" ... smiled

"Your crazy but he I most def welcome him if you need anything call me"

I walked out leading the little boy in the room getting in my car pulling off this had to be one of the craziest stunts I've ever pulled and then what if we get caught my nervous was all over the place because the girl and her family seem really defensive but who just gives there baby off like that I didn't even introduce myself but it was their lose because they will never find the little boy at least that what I think we where hidden to good been off the map

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