Little Brother Part 16

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Nick: Yay! –runs downstairs- Kevy Make the best  Breakfast EVER


Nick And Joey does too

Kevin: -laughs –

Nick: -giggles –

Kevin Here’s your Breakfast Silly

Joe: -smiles at Nick-

Nick –starts Eatting-

Joe: -makes his plate and starts eating- mmm this is good kevin

Nick thanks Kevy

Kevin:  your welcome nicky okay ready for school?

Nick –shakes head-

Joe Why not

Nick: P-people make fun of me

Joe you tell them to back off and that your boyfriend will kick there ass

Nick –gasps-

Joe: I mean butt

Nick: -smiles- okay I will

Joe –kisses him-

Nick: -kisses back-

Kevin okay guys Nicky has to go to school

Joe Fine ill take you Nicky

Nick: okay I’ll get my backpack

Joe –smiles- Okay ill start the car –goes to the car

Nick: -Runs in to the car-

Joe-chuckles and kisses him-

Nick  -kisses back and giggles-

Joe:  -pulls away- Ready?

Nick –nods- Yeah

Joe –drives him to school-

Nick –looks at everyone staring at him-

Joe: Hey Nicky?

Nick –looks at him-

Joe: Remember you tell them that if they don’t stop picking on you I will beat them up

Nick –giggles and nod- Kay Joey –kisses him-

Joe –kisses back pulls away and smiles- Love you

Nick –giggles- Love you too –gets out of the car and runs to Selena and hugs her-

Joe –smiles and text demi- Selly is with Nicky

Demi: Good I told her to wait for him :) thanks for telling me

Joe NP but Nick told me that hes been getting made fun

Demi oh no :( poor Nicky what did you tell him

Joe that if he gets made of fun to tell those boys I will beat his ass ;)

Demi Oh Joe lol. Hey you better not be texting and driving mister

Joe No I’m watching Nick go inside right now hes talking to Selena

Demi okay good don’t want you getting into any car accidents

Joe: Hey I’m a good driver thank you very much I got a 95 on my driving test

Demi Yeah but how many times did it take you to pass your test

Joe… Shut up

Demi Lol well I got to go work is calling for me love you xoxo

Joe –smiles watches Nick go inside and drive off-

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