CHAPTER 21: What Is It This Time?!

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I love it when I wake up in his arms. This morning when I woke up, I couldn't help but look at him as he still slept and his chest moved up and down slowly from breathing.

After a couple of moments, I notice him slowly begin opening his eyes and smiles as soon as he see's me.

"Morning beautiful." He tells me.

"Good morning." I smiled in reply.

"What time is it?" He asked.

"It's time for your lazy ass to wake up and us get ready to go to work." I tell him.

"No. Let's call in sick." He says.

"No. Not a chance. Now get up." I tell him while giving him a quick kiss.

I then try getting up off the bed but he grabs my wrist and pulls me back onto the bed and climbs on top of me with my hands pinned to the side of head.

"You think you can just give me that kind of a kiss in the morning?" He asks with a cocked eyebrow and a playful smile.

"Yes I do." I reply teasingly.

"We'll see about that." He says.

Right as I start thinking he's gonna kiss me, instead, he starts tickling me?

"Ahh....Stop." I laugh at him loudly.

"No, you need to be punished." He says while continuing to tickle me on the sides and then after screaming and wriggling around in his grasp he stops finally and as soon as I start catching my breath, he looks deep into my eyes.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing. I just, I love you." He tells me.

"I love you too." I smile at him.

He then leans in and we share a long and passionate kiss with each other before we both get into the shower and then get ready to head out for work.

Today I'm driving the car and after dropping him off at work, I next start heading towards the bakery and start preparing for when I open up.

Today turned out to be a pretty good and interesting day. We had a good amount of customers and even got some that said they heard about me through word of mouth who their friends one day had happened to be travelling by and stopped here. Which for me to hear things like that is a huge compliment.

I had gotten so many texts from Larkin as I always do usually and felt like all of this was a dream come true.

Once I got finished closing and made my way towards the gym, when I walked inside, I saw Nate and Kylie talking and then when they saw me we started to chat for a bit.

"So where's Larkin?" I asked.

"He's upstairs hitting the bag." Nate says but in a way that sounds like he's not telling me anything.

I try not to think anything of it as I make my way upstairs and sure enough, there he is in the kickboxing room, hitting the punching bag, harder than I have ever seen him. It's almost like he's pissed off? Did he have a bad day or something?

I walk inside and since I don't want to interrupt him, I just take a seat on the bench behind him until he turns around and stops.

He walks over towards the stereo to turn off the music and I can't help but feel turned on by how hot he looks with his hair in his face and is all sweaty.

"Hey baby." He says as he walks up towards me.

"Hey. Don't stop because I'm here." I tell him while standing up to give him a hug and a kiss.

"Mmmm....You're so fucking sexy." He tells me while placing kisses on my neck.

"So are you." I tell him.

We smile at each other and he kisses me and right when he grabs the towel he had on the bench beside the portable speaker to play his music on was at, I thought of asking him about his day.

"So are you okay? I mean you seemed to be punching that bag really hard." I tell him.

He doesn't turn around to face me as he wipes his face and then takes a few drinks from his water before finally turning around to face me with a look on his face as though he wants to tell me something. Oh god, what is it this time?!

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

Sorry it's been a couple of days since I last posted, things have been so crazy here at where I'm at and have had to deal with some things. But that's why I'm writing two chapters for each story tonight and then will be back on track tomorrow (Thursday). So the next chapter for this will be posted soon! :):)

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