CHAPTER 17: I'll Help You

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Okay, I wasn't sure in what the hell was going on but what I did know was that he was definitely keeping something from me.

While on our drive back to the hotel, I was feeling scared and wanted to know about whatever was going on. Because we can't hide secrets from each other.

I didn't want to distract him though as he was already pissed off and squeezing my hand tightly while driving like a damn maniac.

Then once we pulled up in front of the hotel and started making our way towards our room, when we finally went in, he closed the door behind himself and went straight towards the bedroom frantically and began searching the place.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"Looking for something." He tells me as he continues going through things.

"Like what?" I ask.

"Just....something." he replies sounding a bit more irritated.

"Okay, you need to stop and tell me what the hell is going on. Who were those guys? And please don't lie to me. Do you owe money or something?" I randomly ask.

He stops and takes in a deep breath before letting it out and then turns around to look at me.

"Promise me something. Promise me you won't leave until you at least hear me out?" He begins which scares me even a little bit more now.

"I promise." I assure him.

He next sits down on the couch and I sit next to him as I turn to face him while he starts telling me about what's happening.

"All of my life, I was raised around the image of my father being this rich man who worked hard. The truth is, he was killed a few years ago and that's when I found out that he never really did have a regular job. He worked for the mafia. Come to find out, he actually owed a bunch of money to the mafia and ever since his death, I've been having to pay it off." He says.

"Oh my god." Was all I could say in that split moment. For so long I always thought he had it made. I feel really bad.

"You'll probably want to leave and I'd understand. If you wanted I could even put you on the plane myself back home." He starts telling me.

I stop him by turning his face towards me and smashing my lips onto his. Then I stop and have us take a breath with our foreheads touching each others.

"I'm not gonna leave you." I tell him.

He looks at me as he moves his head back a little.

"Really?" He asks surprised and relieved.

"Just promise me one thing." I tell him.

"Anything." He replies.

"Promise me that you won't keep anymore secrets from me and I want you to tell me more about this. Such as what's going on and everything." I ask him.

"I promise. And the amount left to owe is ten million dollars that I don't have all together. I mean, after modeling, that paid a good amount of the original total and the promotions I have done before but with this gym and these products, I've had to take the rest of my hard earned money and invest it so that I could make more." He finishes.

"Wow. I don't have that much saved. I'm sorry." I tell him.

"Don't be. It's not your burden. It's mine and they're allowing me to pay in payments because their boss had sympathy for me. But even the monthly payments are hard to keep up with." He admits.

"How much are they wanting you to pay?" I asked.

"It's over $200,000 and I know it sounds little amount of money, but between the gym and what it brings in, alone with the people I have to pay, the things I have to pay for, by the end of it all, I BARELY make it." He tells me.

"I'll tell you what, how much is your condo?" I ask.

"Per month I pay about $3,000." He tells me.

"Okay, then how about your car payment?" I ask.

"$400." He replies.

"Okay, now, obviously not including groceries and all the other luxuries, you'd be saving several thousand dollars by not spending on the other luxuries including the car payment and monthly rent on the condo." I point out.

"Yeah but then I still have to have a place to live. Though I could find a place that's less expensive to live in." He says.

"Well, actually, I was thinking you could move in with me. I mean, it's obviously not a condo but it's also a good decent place to live. Then we can split the grocery bill and you can stop purchasing expensive watches and everything. In fact, you own so many designer type products that you could sell for the money." I began. "I'm not trying to tell you what to do by the way, I just, I think I can help meet halfway. If you meet me half way too."

He looks at me and starts smiling real big but then stands up abruptly off the couch and shakes his head.

"I can't do that. I can't have you involved in that way. I'm a grown ass man and I'd be less of a man if I ever took money from you, especially for something like this. It's my problem not yours." He says.

I then stand up and walk up closer to him and have him look into my eyes.

"Listen to me. We're together. I could easily say no but I don't want to. I know you'd do the same for me and this whole thinking you're less of a man by getting help from your girlfriend, well in my eyes, it doesn't. In fact, just knowing you kept all of this to yourself for years and have been working extra hard to pay off someone's debt that isn't yours, that's a man to me. Besides, you can pay me back someday when you're a millionaire from selling all your products." I smile at him.

"I love you baby." He tells me.

"I love you too." I smile back at him.

Next he places his lips onto mine and we start making out.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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