He nods to Lease, and she punches me, hard, in the cheek.

"You still hit like a girl, Lease," I smirk.

"Tell us, or we will use force," He smiles.

"Wouldn't be the first time," I say.

I stand up, the hands still around my biceps to keep me in place.

"Come on," He says to the goons holding me.

We follow him to the ship. They shove me into a seat and tie me down. Lease sits in the chair facing me. She sits back, smirking, and crosses her arms.

"You don't know where the rebellion is, do you?" I smile.

I place my head on the headrest.

She shrugs.

"It doesn't matter, because you know. All we have to do is scan your brain."

"Ooh," I cringe sarcastically. "Sorry my brain doesn't like when people poke around in it. That's why I never returned to the Domes."

Lease rolls her eyes.

"You haven't changed a bit over the years."

"And neither have you, apparently."

She gives me a questioning look.

"You were the rogue."

She shifts in her seat and smiles.

"Are you sure?"

I nod.

"And what if I am? What if it was me who tipped off the President?"

I smile, close my eyes. I set my head back on the rest.

"I wouldn't be surprised."

I hear her get up and walk away.

Lease has been in the rebellion as longer than I have. She was assigned to the camps. She never got to see the location of the Rebellion. Doug was always worried she'd tell someone. He never trusted her.

Me, on the other hand, I was assigned to training. I picked it up so fast that the next year I was training other people. I was sent back and forth from the complex to the camp to do work and carry out missions. I'd like to think I'm pretty important. But I'm really not. Everyone just knows who I am. The boy who was born too early.

But it's okay. I'm fine with it. I'd rather not be locked up in that Dome where I'm constantly watched, experimented on, and told what to do. At least out here I have a little more freedom.

I hear someone else sit down.

I open my eyes.


His smile is smug.

"Shoo. I'm trying to get my beauty sleep," I say.

I close my eyes.

"Your girlfriend has three more minutes before she's gone forever."

"It's been two minutes already? Whaddya know?"

"Two and a half. It would only be one if you told me what I need to know."



I snort.

"Well, if you want to know where the rebellion is, I'll tell you. Free of charge," I smile. "It's right under your nose."

"Really? Where?"

"Aren't you dying to know?"


I can't tell him where it is. I can't let Eenie die. I can't show him any sign that I know where it is. It'll ruin everything.

"Where do you think it is?" I ask.

"I don't know. That's why I'm asking you."

"Hm. Well, I don't either. So we're in quite a pickle."

I look at him. His face is red. I laugh. Good.

"Too bad Lease doesn't know," I say, watching him.

"Meaning what?"

"Meaning she has a secret. She works for the rebellion. She never told you that?"

I flash him a sarcastic smile as he stands up.

He's mad now.


I twist my hands to loosen the ropes around my wrists. It works.

I stand up and walk to the door. I see Lease and the scumbag arguing outside the aircraft they shoved me into.

I make a run for it—only to bump into his puppets again.

"Are you kidding me?" I shout.

The big one grabs me by my arm. I cringe. I twist out of it and sprint to the trees, him on my tail. I jump over logs and through trees to try to lose him.

He's too fast.

He's on me before I can make it far enough away. He pins me to the ground, his weight crushing my lungs.

I see a purple face staring back at me through the dark.

Trapped | The Trapped Trilogy Book 1Where stories live. Discover now