× Mute ×

507 13 2

×1st POV×

Ever just wonder what it's like to have something you've never had? I do. Quite alot actually. See, I was born without a vocal box; I cannot talk or make any sort of noise that requires vocal cords. Welcome to my 5 am thoughts! Haha! Though it's not 5 am; more like 5 pm.

Tomorrow is the day. The day I go to school that understands my disability and caters to what I need. I'm excited, yet terrified. It's all the way in Seoul! I've never been there! What if I get lost? I'm going to get lost let's be honest.
This is weird. I, Kim Taehyung, will be moving to Seoul! That's crazy! Like a dream! AND I'M ONLY IN 7th GRADE!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Did I mention I'm 12 and I'll be living by MYSELF in SEOUL!! YEEEEAAAAHH NO PARENTAL SUPERVISION!!! I hope my dorm mate is nice. I HOPE THEY KNOW SIGN LANGUAGE. IF THEY DON'T THAT'LL BE BAD.

AnYwAyS- I'm hungry.

I waddle myself to the kitchen looking through cupboards. I just want some pocky man.
Welp I've concluded from this episode of "Raid the Pantry" issssssssss~ there's no got damn pocky. But there's oranges that I'll eat. And I'm satisfied.
ArE yOu sAtIsFiEd wItH yOuR cArE?
I love Big Hero 6.
I've eaten an orange. Pretty good. But now what?
I could watch TV-
"TAEHYUNG" my mom yelled from upstairs. I knock on a door loudly to let her know I heard her before walking upstairs. Then knock on her door to get her attention. "Time to vacuum Tae" my mom stated. I nod and leave to go vacuum. I do all the boring stuff, move things, put the carpet stuff down, vacuum, put the vacuum away.
Now I go downstairs narrating my life cuz I have nothing better to do with my time. I go downstairs, make so popcorn, stand in front of the microwave because I a rebel! Haha! No I'm not.
Anyways, I get the popcorn, almost burn myself, put some salt in it, and sit my bum on the couch putting on some random K-Drama ready to pass out at any moment.

It's almost I pause and rub my eyes 3 episodes in? 1 hour 30? I'm tired. I yawn and pass out

Aaaah I'm so so so sorry 😭😭😭
I know this is such a late update but lots been going on with school and I've been losing motivation even though I want to make make this story.
So please forgive me though I don't expect you to. 🙏
😭 I'm sorry if its crap 🙏
I love you guys

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