× Blind ×

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×1st POV×

Hi. I'm Min Yoongi. I've been blind since birth. Right now I'm packing because I'll be moving to Seoul. I'm going to a new school, a special school. It's a school specifically for those of special needs physically.

"YOONGI" my mom screamed from downstairs "ARE YOU DONE?"

"I'M NOT SURE" I screamed. Since I can't see, I don't know how much is left. I usually leave the hard stuff to my parents so right now I'm packing clothes. My parents try and do everything for me. Its annoying. I may be blind but I'm still able to do things on my own.
I hear a knock at my door and answer with a "come in" while putting my clothes in my suit case.

"You wear a lot of black" my mother states.

"Do I? I didn't notice" I say frankly.

"Enough with that mouth Yoongi-ah, let me see how much you've packed" She say simply. I move aside letting her adjust my packing.

As she packs I hear my dog waddle into my room. His name is Peanut, he's a corgi. I didn't name him. The guy who trained him did.

He sits next to me laying his head in my lap as I pet him. I hope they allow dogs at the school. Oh, did I mention I'm going to have my own dorm? Yeah I get to be independent for once! But my mom is still over protective. I hope I can keep peanut in the dorm. He's a great dog. But I don't think he'll be happy being cooped up at school...

"All of your stuff is packed, tomorrow well pack your bedding and go Seoul" my mother states. I nod getting off the floor and sitting on my bed with Peanut as my mom leaves my room.

Being blind is hard. You can't do things like everyone else. I can't talk to deaf or mute people normally. Hell I can barely talk to normal people normally! I can't watch movies, I can't watch YouTube, I can't see pictures, I can't see family...

I'm close with my mom, she may be annoying but she understanding. My dad on the other hand it to... helpful? Clingy? He tries to do everything for me. He doesn't want me being alone or even going to school. He's scared I'm going to be bullied. I may be blind but I can still woop your ass. Plus if I did get bullied I'm sure Peanut would eat their ankles.

Being born blind may be hard, but I'm thankful I have nothing to miss.

Its getting late. I guess I'll go to bed. I have a long ass drive to Seoul.

So? How was it? 😂
So that's Yoongi's Story! I hope I did well? Give me your thoughts please!

Anyways thanks for reading! ♡♡

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