× Narcolepsy ×

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×Hoseoks POV×

SHOOT I get up and continue vacuuming.
Oh, you're probably wondering what happened. Well in short, I passed out. So I'm a finish vacuuming now.

I finish vacuuming and put the vacuum away. I walk downstairs and just sit on the couch for a bit. Because, why not?

I sit here and wait while watching TV for Daddy to get home. He'll be going with me to  Mommy's house, we'll be staying there because in the morning we'll be going to Seoul! I'm going to a new school, it has dorms so I'll be staying there. I have my stuff packed at Daddy's, just need to pack a few more things at Mommy's.

When Daddy gets home I grab my things, checking I have everything. We eat quickly and head to Mommy's.

On the car ride to Mommy's I start feeling really tired. The ride isnt very far, maybe 15 minutes at most, yet I'm tired, I was just hyper a couple of minutes ago.

When we get to Mommy's I stumble out of the car and grab my things. I hurry over to mommy and she helps me with my stuff. Daddy follows me shortly after I walk in.

We set our stuff down and excitedly drag Daddy to my room. I want to show him my painting! Mommy let me paint-- ow! I fell and hit my hip.

Daddy helps me up and tells me to calm down. We walk to my room much calmer so I don't collapse again. When we get to my room I show him my painting! Mommy let me paint my closet door!

"That's beautiful Hoseok!" Daddy exclaims. Its makes me so happy that he like it! The picture is of a meadow, with little flowers and a double rainbow near the back. I drew me, Mommy, and Daddy!

"Thank you!" I giggle. We go back downstairs and set up my dads bed on the couch. Why does Daddy have to sleep on the couch?

They tell me to go upstairs and go to bed. I give them hugs and kisses and wish them good night. I drag myself upstairs and get ready for bed.

I lay down and listen to my parents murmurs. I find it hard to sleep because I fall asleep during the day. So just lay here for a while, watching some youtube until I find myself finally drifting to sleep.

Eeeee I love him ㅠㅠ
And I just realized that all my other notes started with dashes not hearts 😂
I hope you guys enjoy and I haven't started the next part yet so it should be out in a week or two.
Thanks for reading, I purple you!

Welcome To Our WorldOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora