"I don't know," I say quietly, scrunching my forehead together.

"Hm," He nods. "And why is that?"

I stare at the ground, watching the speckled white tiles as they pass beneath us.

"I guess I'm confused," I say, more to myself.

"About what?"

I don't say anything. I'm not the kind of person who speaks her mind or gushes about everything she feels to some stranger.

I'm not Nad.

We travel in silence until we reach the end of the hallway. He opens up another door and we step into a black room. A single light bulb illuminates the black ceiling, and casts shadows as we walk to the center.

Evan stands in front of me again, the light casting eerie shadows on his face.

"We will be taking you through some psychological testing for the next few days-it could be less if you cooperate."

"What is it for?" I ask.

"To make sure you are where you need to be," He says, and turns to walk out the door opposite of where we entered.

"You sound just like a Government Official," I say under my breath as the door shuts.

"Your testing will begin in a moment," A woman's voice booms through the room. "You will answer all questions truthfully and fully-do you understand?"

A knot grows in my throat.

What have I gotten myself into?

"Do you understand?" Her voice repeats.

I stare blankly at the door Evan left through. I suddenly feel naked, like they can see through me. See every beat of my heart, hear every thought...

"Why?" I ask, wiping my sweaty palms on my pants.

The voice hesitates.

"Evan told you why," It seems to laugh.

"Who are you?" I ask.

Another pause. "I am Rebecca. We have met."

I smirk.

"Hello, Rebecca."

"Hello, Eenralla Land."

I shift my weight, my muscles shaking. I'm so sore that I feel like my legs will give out on me if I take one step.

"I will ask you some questions," She says slowly. "And you will answer them truthfully. If not, we will use force."

Peter's bruised body flashes before my brain. Fear bubbles up inside of me, but I swallow it and stand tall.

"Like you did to my friend?" My voice wavers a little, and I bite my cheek.

"The people down here try to avoid fighting, so, no. Unlike your friend, we will release a toxin into the room that will knock you out. After that, we will proceed to monitor you as we create alternate worlds for you to get the answers out of you. And when that happens, you will not be able to conceal anything from us. We'll know everything."

I keep staring at the door. Where is she?


I hear a faint beep. A camera.

"Is this your mother?" Rebecca asks as a flickering image of my mom stands in front of me.

"Shouldn't you know that?" I say flatly, looking past my mother's scarred face and at the door.

The spazzy image disappears.

"Obey my previous commands," Rebecca says sternly.

I run my tongue across my teeth. Maybe I should just go with it. The faster it ends, the faster I get out of here.

"Did you grow up in the Domes?"

I smirk and look at the ground, shifting my weight and crossing my arms.

"Yeah," I say.

"How old are you?"

"How old do I look?" I say, scanning the room for the camera. My eyes catch on the red light in the top left corner behind a flashing hologram.

I turn to where I can look straight into it.

"If you want the Government to go away, why are you acting just like them?"

Where did this defiance come from? Just a few days ago, I would have just shut my mouth and done what I was told. I would have never challenged a higher-power person. Ever.

Maybe I've been hanging around Peter too long.

Maybe I'm just like Lease.

I look down from the camera, and squeeze my eyes shut. These people could kill me. All they want me to do is answer some questions, and I'm making everything difficult and putting my own life in danger, it feels like.

"Eenralla Land, please cooperate. One more smart comment, and we will force ourselves into your brain."

I feel my body hit the ground, and I fade into darkness.

Trapped | The Trapped Trilogy Book 1Where stories live. Discover now