Untitled Part 16

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Unikitty's POV

I sit in class, and stare down at my desk. My mind was trying to get around the fact that Frown and Brock, together? It just didn't make sense. And I can't believe Hawk Beat Up Frown, And that Frown lost. I also don't believe Brock and Frown had sex, thats gross. I don't understand any of this.

I know Hawk had been texting me but I don't read them, I am really angry. He has texted me about 5 times now. I have no idea why, but to say sorry. I think for a second. If he's trying to say sorry, I should probably read the texts.

I open up my phone and click on his text messages.

HK: Hey Uk, i'm not sorry I beat him up, but I didn't mean to hurt you,I just didn't want him hurting you, because he has before, and many others to. I know you really like him. Sorry

HK: I'm going to Mr.Pete's office...

HK: Brock is in here too.

HK: Unikitty, Brock just left, he's being kicked out...Frowns not tho. Brock just amited to rapping him...

HK: Unikitty can we please talk

I looked down at the phone...my eyes keep reading the fourth text.

BROCK! I can feel my anger combust inside me. I throw my phone in my pocket and sit in my desk. My rage flows through my mind.

'Brock will pay, And frown is all mine, He will never have Frown, and Brock hurt him in the most worst way.' I think to myself as I write my homework down.


As I walk out of my classroom Hawk is standing outside.

"Unikitty" He says grabbing my attention.

"Hey..." I say as I walk up to him.

"Unikitty, I'm really sorry, I should have never beat him up... I am so sorry" He says looking down at me.

"Brock is going To wish he was never Born" I say and walk away to my last class.

Hawkadile's POV

I feel really bad, and I don't like admitting it. I beat up Frown, And that, that would be ok on any other day. I know Unikitty had texted me about Brock being jealous, but I alway change the subject, because I never will like the idea of her and Frown being together.

My mind is spinning because I try to figure out if i'm in the wrong. I beat up Frown, and finally put him in his place, But I did tell the entire school that he had sex with Brock, when really he was just raped. No wonder he didn't put up much of a fight.

Unikitty seemed angry. I know that she is more scary than me. She's a sweet little girl, but get on her bad side, and you would be better off dead. I know her well, she's like my little sister. But somehow Frown never got on her bad side, but now Brock is.

I set down the dumbbells and get up. The gym is alway a good place to think. A kid walks up to me, he's probably in 9th grade.

"Is it really true that the mean kid and his friend...-

I cut him off.

"No, Its not, Frown...was forced" I say and turn away. I can hear him running over to a group of kids.

I try not to think about the event, but my mind wanders. I images that my mind congers up make me want to barf. I am a very straight male, and that shit grosses me out. But my mind thinks up the situation.

Frown and Brock would have been in class and the class ended. Frown would keep working still after the teacher left, because he does what he wants. Brock would have asked if he was going to his next class, and frown would have said no. Brock would have then had the idea, and locked the door. Frown focused on his work wouldn't have noticed till Brock shut the lights out. Frown would have ask why the hell he did that but would have gotten to answer. Brock would have pull Frown out of the desk he was sitting in, and got on top of him. Frown would be more confused than anything, and may have not fought back. He would have ask Brock what he was doing. Brock would just leaned down and kissed Frown, who was being held down by him. At this point Frown would have try to get his hands out of Brocks grip, But Brock being much more muscular than him, he would have failed. Brock would have started to strip Frown's pants off, much to Frowns dismay, and Frown not wanting to be seen in the situation, would have not called out for help. Brock then would have striped his boxers, and then taken off his own clothes. Frown would have pleaded for him to not, to stop, But Brocks lust would have taken over. He would shove himself in to Frown and frown would have yelled out in pain but Brock would cover his mouth. Frowns body would react with giving him an erection. Brock would have looked down and smiled at him, Frown would be in a lot of pain, he would have been scared, but he would mostly confused seeing his body react like that. Frown would still try to fight but Brock would overpower him and start to move. Frown would have been to overcome with pain to do anything, then Brock would have hit his g spot, and Frown would be filled with pleasure. Frowns mind be trying to figure out if this was ok or not, and decided on it was, due to how his body was reacting.

But none of that was ok. The idea of that made me very uncomfy. I was straight, and the idea of me being being with another male, I could never. My one and only was Dr.fox. She and I had been together little to unikittys knowledge. I feel my emotions shift. I feel...bad for Frown. He didn't deserve what Brock did to him, even though I really don't know how it played out. 

UnikittyxFrownxBrockOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora