Untitled Part 13

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Brock's POV

I sit next to Frown, the nurse cleans the blood up around his face. Hes still lying on the ground. The nurse said we shouldn't move him yet. He's black out, I would be to but I worry to much about him. I know the other kids and talking and pointing at us, but I could care less right now. I know Frown I strong, I have seen him get in fights before, but they never ended up with him on the ground.

"Brock, If you mind can you carry him to the health room." The nurse asks me and I nod. I scoop Frowns limp body up in my arms and follow the nurse to the health room. I set him gently on a cot.

"Hey, your wanted in the principal's office." a kid says from the door. I nod my head silently and walk out of the room. As I walk down the hallway, kids talk to the other kid next to them and point at me. I pick up my pace a bit and make my way to the principal's office.

I open up the door and take a seat in a chair.

"WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?" I hear Hawk ask as he sits down. The principal sits down in his seat behind the large desk.

" Brock, Hawkadile, you both know why you are here," He says looking at both of us.

"I did the right thing!" Hawk defended himself.

"And why do you think that?" Mr.pete asked him.

"Well because Frown had been a bully ever since he got to this school, and I have been watching him be rude to my friends for too long!" Hawk says.

"Yes but that is the schools job, not yours." He says and turns to me.

"Brock, is it true that you and Frown, participated in sexual activities on school campus?" He asks me. I press my lips in a line and look away from him.

"Ya, they did!!" hawk says.

"Sit down and be quiet" Mr. Pete says and looks back over to me. "Brock, did you or did you not?".

I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out.

"Just spit it out you faget!!!" hawkadile yells and jumps up.

"HAWK SIT DOWN!!" The principal yells and hawk sits back down."Brock please tell me whether you-

"STOP!" I yell at the top of my lungs. I cover my face with my hands and start to cry. My emotions are everywhere. I love Frown, and I want everyone in the world to know, but I don't want Frown to get kicked out because of me, he doing so well in school. I don't really care if I get kicked out, I mean no college would ever want me anyways. I suddenly blurt out something I would have never say.

"Yes, but It's not his fault,I- I ra-raped him" I cry into my hands. I hear both people gasp. I really hope Frown gets into a good college.

"Brock, I am sorry to say this but you are being expelled" He says, and I nod my head, get up and leave the school.

I text Frown and make sure he's caught up on the story.

BR: Hey man, sorry this happened. I was called in to Mr.petes office. I know your doing well in school, and I didn't want both of us kicked out. I lied, I told them I raped you, therefore you won't get in trouble. Please, make sure you get into a good college. See ya at home.

I hit send and get into our car. I drive off slowly looking back at the school.

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