Untitled Part 15

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Brock's POV

I would expect a thank you or something along that line, but instead I get...

"BROCK WHAT IN THE HELL WHERE YOU THINKING?!" Frown yells at me before he even have time to close the door.

"Dude take it easy" I say as I start to drive off. I glance over at Frown to check if he's got his seatbelt on, and he doesn't.

Frown sits in silence the ready of the way home. When we arrived home we both get out of the car but Frown has some trouble so I help him out.

" why did you do that?" Frown asks as we walk up the front porch steps.

" I already told you why man!

Brocks POV

I look at Frown as his expression changes from weak to angry.

"BRock what were you thinking!? MAN !!!" Frown yells at me as he shuts the door.

"DUDE I TOLD YOU, I didn't want you to get in trouble." I say and start the car. Frown looks out the window.

"How am I supposed to keep up this act? I mean, I live with you, and I can't just live with someone who supposedly raped me!" Frown said looking out the window. I can hear a tint of sadness in his voice. "And I wasn't raped, I can't pretend to hate you, I love you" Frown says. I hear him sniffle, and glance over at him. He was still looking out the window, but I could tell he was crying.

"Frown, don't worry, we'll figure this out, ok?" I tell him as I make a left turn. I drive the rest of the way home, with Frown snoring in the passenger's seat. I park the car outside our home and lightly tap him on the shoulder.

"Frown~" I coo as he opens up his eyes. "Were home, come on" I say and get out of the car. I make my way up to the door and unlock it. Frown walks slowly up the stairs and through the door. He collapses on the couch face down.

" that doesn't look too comfy" I say walking over to him. He mumbles something but I can't hear what. I pick him up the best i can, I lay down under him. His head is now resting on my chest.

"Is that better?" I ask and he smiles. I start to take out his ear piercings. He has on on the ear lobe, one about an inch above it, and a bar that goes through the top side of his ear. I set them on the coffee table. I know he doesn't like sleeping with them in, because of what happened to me. I have a small scar on my right earlobe. I was sleeping and riped my pircing out on something. I have to go to the hospital and get stitches. After it healed up I replaced it. But because Frown has more piercing the sick out and have more chance of getting snagged, he takes them out before he goes to bed.

I let my eyes close and I fall asleep with my boyfriend laying on my chest.

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