Chapter 2.

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It was now 12:00pm, I was meeting with the boys and their manager at 1:30pm, so I needed to leave right away. 'Thank you so much mum! I can't believe this is actually happening to me!' As we left, my two sister were being dropped at grandmothers because it was apparently private and confidential. We left my grandmother's quickly and the whole journey to the studio was spent with me having  a huge smile on my face.  'Thank you so much!' I said to my mum, as we drove closer and closer to the studio. I fell asleep in the car to pass up time because the journey was roughly an hour.

'Sweetie, we are here now.' My mum said as she tapped me on the arm, and shook me lightly to wake me up. I opened my eyes and yawned, then looked out the window, where it then clicked in to my mind exactly where I was. 'Oh my gosh! Is this really happening?!' I gasped as I unbuckled the seat belt and got out as fast as I possibly could. We walked to the door where we got asked for ID and proof we were meant to be there. We didn't have anything, but luckily a large, muscular man told them we were allowed to come through. 

He walked us to a room, which was at the end of the corridor. I took a deep breath and entered the room, keeping myself calm, though the excitement was going crazy in my head. It was so weird and scary and exciting but as I entered, I saw my idols and the one I truly loved, lips to lips with his girlfriend. I had a weird feeling in my stomach, but I sat down and calmly spoke. They smiled widely at me, their faces turning to Brad and his girlfriend Penny. 'Get a room please.' Tristan said with his voice sounding nasally. He sneezed covering his nose with a tissue he grabbed from his pocket. 'Bless you' I said quickly. Tristan smiled at me and said 'Thank you, Cecilia.'

 can't believe Brad is taken, by her... She is so punk rock and so not 'Brad', can't believe it. He should be with me! The inner fangirl was speaking in my mind. We all spoke calmly, yet Brad stayed talking to Penny the whole time and I got a little bit annoyed about it. I could tell that Brad knew I was aware of his rude behaviour. Suddenly, Brad kissed Penny and looked at me with a smirk, to prove a point of some sort.

We finished talking after about an hour of planning and we arranged for us to come to the studio during the week and write the song with them, which was very exciting news! Before we left, my bladder decided to take over, so I decided to tell my mum 'I will meet you in the car in a few minutes' so she nodded and went to the car, happily humming a tune. The day was great. I didn't really need to go, I just wanted to see what Brad was really like when he isn't surrounded by the other boys and Penny. 

As I re-entered the building, I heard an argument occurring around the corner, so I peeked my head around and saw an angry Brad and an upset Penny having an argument. The worst part is, they were talking about me. 'You like Cecilia, just admit it Brad and stop with these stupid lies!' Penny shouted, at Brad. 'I promise that I truly love you and only you! I promise babe!' Brad exclaimed, the angry tone became more calm changing his voice from deep to high and innocent. 'You, Bradley Will Simpson, can leave my life, right now because we are over, your mean, annoying and nasty to me all the time and you watch other girls all the time when I'm there.' Penny exclaimed, madly storming out of the studio. I continued to watch, shocked. Brad was then upset with himself and leaned against the wall and slipping down sadly. I walked over slowly. 'I just kind of saw what happened, are you okay?' I asked, hoping to get an answer. I decided to quickly sit on the floor next to him. Brad looked at me and glared. He then opened his mouth lightly and then began to shout at me. 'This is all your fault! I loved Penny! I mean, I love Penny! You've ruined my life Cecilia, I hope your happy!' He quickly stood up and stormed off. I sat there blankly, my eyes were filling with tears. My mind was racing, my heart was pounding and I was shaking.

I'm sorry Brad, can't help loving you...

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