Chapter 4.

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I slowly opened my eyes, and squinted in pain as I had to focus to the bright light shining through the window. I was still laid in the back seat, slightly unable to move. I couldn't remember how or why I was in this car, but I knew it wasn't a positive car journey since I was laid in excruciating pain. I heard a deep, husky voice. ''Finally awake again. You pathetic little girl.'' The boy said, then I remembered who it was... Bradley. I shot up, despite the pain. 'Why are you doing this? Just let me go, please!' I asked, the pain being heard in my voice. 'Well if I let you go, then I would get caught, wouldn't I? I'm not going to just let you go, because you will just tell the police or something. Clearly you aren't smart enough to realise that i'm not that stupid sweetie.' He spoke, taking glances at me through the mirror. 'That doesn't make any sense though! You aren't being smart right now. Stealing me or something?' I spoke, my voice shaking with fear. 'I think we can call it kidnapping, since you are younger than me. This is why you don't trust someone you've never truly met.'' He said, still taking glances at me. 'But I have met you, i've loved you and looked up to you for a long time now. What has changed Brad? Please tell me what has made you change!' I said quickly, he stared at me and breathed. ''Woah,slow down your words love.'' He spoke, laughing to himself and smirking. Brad just continued driving like it was a casual drive. 

He didn't say a word for 5 minutes. 'Listen,you won't get away with this! You really, really won't!' I shouted at the top of my voice. 'What do you call this then? Failing? I don't think so.'' He said and once again, laughed. 'You will regret this, you are going to get caught when we end up having to stop somewhere y'know.' I said, getting madder by the minute. ''So, you think i'm actually going to make us stop. Oh no, i'm taking you somewhere, leaving you and heading home, saying you were taken by an imposter. My plan is perfect.' He smirked. I looked at him in shock. He noticed my emotions changed and he smirked. He had this planned for ages. What if he wants to kill me? What if this is just some silly little prank. 

My phone rung in that moment. The screen lit up. It said Liz was calling. I answered it secretly and whispered 'help'. She spoke to me with a calm voice, she was going to help. 'Cecilia, stay as calm as you can. Avoid conversation with him and whatever you do, don't quit fighting to get away.' I sighed with relief. Brad was going to get caught and I can't wait till he does. 

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