Zayn looked at me and chuckled, shaking his head. “Yeah. Someone’s obviously a bit of a screamer.”

“Oh my god! You guys shutup!” I stood to my feet and laughed, patting at my bright red cheeks.

“By the lay out of these rooms…” Kaylyn looked around. “I’m pretty sure that took place in the shower.”

Actually, she was right.  What they had heard was round two…when we took a shower after waking up earlier.  Of course, I’m not one to kiss and tell.  So I simply shrugged with a smile.

Zayn shook his head. “Dirty people.”

“Oh yeah,” I laughed.  “Cause you’re a virgin.”

“I am,” he grinned.

“Sure you are,” I winked and patted his shoulder, then turned around to Kaylyn.  “See you guys bright and early. Goodnight.”


I stepped out in the hallway, just in time to find Olly coming from the elevator. “Hey beautiful,” he smirked, shoving his phone into his pocket.

“Hi,” I smiled. “How are you?”

“Splendid.” He replied.  “Just went to dinner with some of the boys from the band.”

“Cool,” I nodded. “I was hanging out with Kaylyn while the boys all spent some time with Niall.”

“Yeah,” he replied. “How’s he holding up? I heard about Katelyn leaving…”

“He’s doing okay,” I replied. “I just wish Katelyn would answer me or Kaylyn so we can make sure she’s okay.”

“Breakups are never easy,” he shrugged. “Give it time, I’m sure she’ll get back to being social.”

“I sure hope so,” I replied reaching back to pull my curls into a messy ponytail. 

Olly furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head.  “Goodnight, Sierra,” he turned quickly and walked away to his room.

“Umm…goodnight,” I said, confused.

Olly waved his hand behind him and slammed his door.  What the hell was that about?  He was fine, then suddenly had an attitude??

Harry’s POV:

I was sitting on my bed, texting my friend Nick from back home when Sierra came back into our room.  She closed the door behind her and sighed.

“Hey love,” I smiled, looking up from phone.

“Hi,” she forced a smile. 

“What’s wrong?”

“Have you talked to Olly?”

“No,” he shook his head. “Well, not really anyway.  I saw him earlier, he was headed out to dinner with Josh and Sandy.”

“Oh,” she nodded. “He just acted rather strangely.”

“How so?” I stood to my feet and stretched my arms over my head with a groan, then kicked my shoes off.

“Well, I bumped into him in the hallway,” she went into the bathroom and started washing her face. “And we were talking about Niall- HOLY SHIT!!!” she groaned. “God damnit, Harry!”

I raised my eyebrows, confused as to what she could possibly be yelling at me about now. Things had been going so well.  “What?” I asked, pulling me shirt off.  “What’s wrong?”

She leaned against the bathroom door, pursing her lips and glaring at me. “This!” she pointed at her neck.

I looked to her and my eyes widened, not exactly sure how to explain the massive hickey that I had left on her neck.  Neither of us had noticed earlier because of her curls hanging across her shoulders. “Oops?”

She groaned, throwing her head back.  “Now I know why he gave me that look of judgment when I put my hair up!”

I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Did he think you were showing it off?” I asked, unbuckling my pants.

“You’re so not funny.”

“I’m not trying to be!” I explained. “I’m just saying..maybe that’s what he thought?”

She sighed and turned the water off in the bathroom and dried her face. “As if he didn’t think I was enough of a whore.”

“Hey..” I shook my head and pulled her towards me.  “You’re not a whore,” I replied resting the palm of my hand against her cheek and touching her nose against mine. “I’m sorry…I must’ve gotten caught up in the moment when we were in the shower.”

She forced a smile and pecked a kiss onto my lips. “I guess we were a little rough, huh? Zayn and Kaylyn were teasing me about it.”

I chuckled against her lips. “Oops.”

“No more marks,” she moved her lips to peck a kiss behind my ear and I felt a tingle travel through my spine.  She had found my weakness and already enjoyed playing on it.

“Okay,” I nodded. “I promise it won’t happen again.”


Unknown’s POV:

I stepped into the brisk, cold air of New York City. The snowflakes biting at my skin as the wind blew at my hair.

The boys would be here before the day was through, but they had had no idea that I would be here. 

But I was here…ready and waiting to set out for the one thing that was on my mind….revenge.

Revenge for one boy…and I was determined to make it very sweet.

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