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"Hey, you've reached Calum Hood. Leave a message. Bye."

I sigh when all I get is his voicemail. It's not like I really expected him to pick up or was fully prepared to hear his voice again, but for some reason I'm slightly disappointed that he didn't.

I wonder if this is how Calum always feels when I don't pick up his calls?

It's a bit funny, how the roles have literally reversed now.

Maybe he already knows what I'm going to say.

Maybe he doesn't want to know what I'm going to say.

Maybe he's finally moved on.

I don't mind if he has, but I would just prefer not to end our relationship on a sour note.

I grab my jacket and set out, leaving nothing else left to chance.

Because God knows that I can't risk losing anything, or anyone, else.


"He's not here?" I repeat in disbelief, for what feels like the millionth time.

Luke bites his lip, chewing on the piece of metal in his mouth. "Sorry, no. Have you tried calling him?"

"No, I... I actually haven't." I confess, running a hand through my hand. "God, I'm so stupid, I-"

"Elle. It's okay, calm down." Luke commands from his position behind the counter, I shut up quickly. "Do you want to talk about it?"

I exhale, settling down on the stool in front of him. "It's... It's a really long story. Seriously, Luke, you wouldn't even want to--"

"I've got time." He gestures to the empty tattoo shop, I take a deep breath and peer up at him.

And get the most intense, strict stare I've ever gotten in my entire life.

I quickly advert my eyes from his, pretending to fidget with the zipper of my jacket. It's apparent that Luke's used to getting people to talk to him (as opposed to the other way around, I guess) as he continues to stare at me until I give him the answer he wants.

I hesitate, not knowing quite what to say. "Okay. Well..."

And pretty soon I find myself telling him everything; and when I say everything, I literally mean everything.

Everything from the very beginning, from meeting Calum at Norwest, from our relationship (although not much detail there,) from my friendship with Michael, from when I met Ashton at the local 7-Eleven, and everything through this past week, everything up until this very moment.

I tell Luke so many details and explanations that my head starts to spin; I'm sure I've told him everything he asked for and possibly even more because by the end of it all he just stares at me with a speechless expression upon his face.

But I continue anyways. "--and now Ashton hates me, Calum's ignoring me, and Michael refuses to--"

"Whoa, whoa, wait. I'm sure Ashton doesn't hate you." Luke says, raising his eyebrows. "I mean, he just can't, no matter how hard he tries. As for Calum, well, he's an asshole, for lack of a better--"

"Luke!" I scold immediately, widening my eyes. I thought Luke was impartial?

Well, apparently not.

He puts up his hands in defense, a guilty expression immediately splayed across his features. "I'm sorry! It had to be said! But if he wasn't good enough for you back then, why would he be good enough for you now?"

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