Chapter 11--Confrontation

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(CAUTION: Smut this chapter!)

(Marinette POV)

         I really had no idea what I was planning to do.  Laying in my bed, with Tikki fast asleep on the pillow next to my head, I bore holes in the ceiling with my eyes; willing it to somehow provide me with a solution in this current mess.  I thought and thought, trying to figure out a sound strategy, but kept coming up empty.  Because all my plans involved Cat Noir being there, backing me up.

         How sad.  This just shows how much I rely on that silly Kitty.  I just have to free him somehow...ugh, hold up!  This is so discombobulating!  There I go again, referring to Adrien as Cat Noir.  Argh!  

         As if the current crisis at hand wasn't troublesome enough, but adding in the mind-scrambling truth that Adrien really IS Cat Noir...I wish I was of age, so I could drink!

        Still...this whole time I really have been with Adrien.  How did I not see it?  Magic aside, I should've felt it in my bones that it was him.  But enough of this!  I have to save him!  But, how the heck am I gonna do that??

          Well, I could ask Master Fu if I could get some help.  Borrow a couple of the Miraculous.  But then what?  Storm the "castle" and demand she return Adrien to me?  As if.  No, I need to be smart about this.  

          What if...what if I managed to get Adrien alone?  If I talked to him, would he see reason?  Probably not, if he's still under the spell of the mist and the--The Ring!!  That's it!  I need to figure out how to remove the d...gulp...dick ring.  Maybe that would work!  But what should I do?  Hold him down and remove it forcefully?  Lila didn't seem to have any trouble removing it...Grrr....

          But surely it wouldn't be that easy.  And even still, I wouldn't feel right holding him down like that.  Maybe if I were able to distract him first, then I could quickly remove it?  But what would be a good enough distraction?  It'd have to be something huge.  Something he totally wouldn't be expecting.  Something way!!

         My face suddenly glowed red like a neon sign.  Wait, wait, wait just a freaking minute!  Marinette, think about what that would mean?  You'd be exposing your secret to an enemy.  Even if it IS Adrien, for the moment, he is still the enemy.  By revealing my  secret like that, there's a possibility I could get found out.  Who knows if she's monitoring Adrien's every move anyway?  For all I know, she could be watching as well.  Then, if for some reason I should fail, she'd know my true identity, and so would Hawk Moth.

         But...that might just work.  Even if it's only for a moment, if it diverts his thoughts from calling for help, then maybe I'd have an opening.  So, how to do that?  Just stroll up to him as Ladybug?  Persuade him to come with me and have a nice little chat?  Hmmm....I really need to think about this.

          No!  I need to just go with my instinct on this one!  I've always gone with my gut in the past, there's no reason for me to quit now!  Hopefully I'll just know what to do when I get there!  Wait for me, Adrien!

         I went to school, acting as if everything was fine; all the while going over the plan in my head.  On the fly, I had written an anonymous note saying I had information on Ladybug, but tell no one and come alone if he wanted the intel.   A time and place was also listed.  Hopefully, this would be enough to spur him on, empty head or not.  Surely, he'd want to give this info to Pheromone.  I just have to hope. 

         Sneaky like a ninja, I entered the locker room.  Quietly, so that there was minimal noise, I opened his locker.  In a flash, I set the note inside and closed the door again.  Walking out, I quickly headed to my next class.

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