Chapter 8--Betrayal

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(Marinette POV)

            Waking up after a beautiful dream made me more excited about today.  In it, I had overcome my fears, told Adrien how I felt about him, and it turns out, he felt the same way.  So of course, we became a couple, got married; and all our friends and family were there to celebrate with us, we got a loft, had two kids, no, three, with a dog, a cat and a hamster.  And every night we just stared into each other's eyes and confessed our love over and over.  Perfect bliss.

            Now, of course, I don't expect things will turn out like that; not right away, at least.  But, I somewhat hoped it wouldn't crash and burn in my face.  Either way, I need to face my fears and embrace whatever comes my way today!

            After getting dressed, put Tikki in my purse, I darted downstairs into the kitchen and was met by my parents.  They both gave me understanding and warm smiles.

            "Good morning, Mom.  Dad."  I said brightly.

            "Good morning, Marinette."  Dad said.

            "Good morning, Sweetie."  Mom replied, giving me a hug.

            "Sorry again for all the trouble yesterday.  Golly, was it really just yesterday?  I let things get too far and everything got way out of hand, becoming a really bad situation.  But I am gonna try to face my problems today and try my best to sort it out with Adele.  And maybe get a few words in with Adrien too, if he'll talk to me."

            "Oh, Sweetie.  If he's anything like he was that night he brought you home, fast asleep, then I'm sure he'll hear you out.  That boy, like you, has a good heart.  I'm sure you'll be fine."  Mom encouraged me.

            "That's right.  Boys tend to forgive the girls they like pretty easily.  On another note, though, we really appreciate you opening up to us and telling us the truth, Marinette.  Even though the shoot didn't go well, you stood your ground and spoke your mind.  You did the right thing by leaving.  Doing it at all took guts.  But it took more guts to leave.  That's why we're proud.  We'll continue to support you, know matter what you do.

             However, we don't expect you to try and save the world on an empty stomach.  Here, I made a few extras for your friends too."  My Dad handed me a white box full of Strawberry tarts.  They were still warm and gooey, with a perfect crispy crust and dusted with just the right amount of powdered sugar.

            "Wow, Dad.  You didn't cut any corners."  I praised him.

            "Certainly not!  I'm a Baker,  I always give it my all.  But, I tend to put in a little more effort when it's for my perfect daughter."  He beamed, eyes smiling.

             "Thank you.  Thank you both.  With you two by my side, supporting me, I feel like there isn't anything I can't do!  So, here I go and give it everything I've got!"  I proclaimed, skipping through the door.

               "That's my girl!  Go get 'em!"  Dad called after me.

              "Just be yourself!  Life's too short to be anyone else!  And you're perfect just by being you!!"  Mom yelled, snuggling close to her husband.

             With their words in my heart, and the wind at my back, I felt myself soar.  Okay, World, bring it on!  Let's see what you got!  


            Arriving at school, I met with my girlfriends with my peace offering and spilled everything that happened.  They were absolutely dumbfounded.

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