Chapter 5--Cultural Festival

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[Caution: Smut in this chapter!]

[Marinette POV]

             Well, needless to say, I had a hard time falling asleep last night.  What with kissing Luka, falling into Adrien's arms...feeling him become aroused...then Cat Noir forcefully man-handle me, all in one day.  It's safe to say that sleep would probably be the last thing on my list.  My mind just kept thinking about all of it, over and over again.  Before I knew it, my alarm clock was buzzing.  Trying quickly to get ready, I sluggishly, and a little reluctantly, made my way to school.

              Ms. Bustier surprised us all with a sudden announcement.  "Good morning, class!  I have some wonderful news!  Thanks to Miss Kagami's father's generous donation to the school, Mr. Damacles and the rest of the staff have decided to do a Cultural Festival next month in their honor."  She exclaimed with excitement written all over her face.

             "A what?"  Kim asked, puzzled.

             "OMG, Kim, were you raised under a rock?  Well, knowing you, that's probably pretty close to the truth.  It's where all the peasants in the area get together and bring terrible knick-knacks they've made and food they've cooked--which, if you ask me, is not up to par for my expensive tastes--and everyone comes and buys them.  Ridiculous.  Utterly ridiculous."  Chloe scoffed.

              "How do you even know that, Chloe?  Did you just make that up?"  Kim accused.

             "Hahahahaha!  Oh, Kim, you're so simple-minded.  I've been to them many times, when Daddy took me along on his business trips to Japan.  Of course a commoner like you wouldn't know."

             "Ugh, don't be so conceited, Chloe."  Alya said with disgust in her voice.

             "In Japan, Cultural Festivals are annual open day events held by most schools, from nursery schools to universities.  There, the students display their artistic achievements."  Max explained, matter-of-factly. 

             "Thank you for the official definition, Max.  And now, we need to decide what our class will do for the festival.  Any suggestions?"  Ms. Bustier asked.

             "How about something with costumes?  Since this'll be lined up perfectly with Halloween next month!"  Rose spoke up first.

             "That would be imaginative.  Now, what should we do with that?"  Ms. Bustier pressed.

            "What about a cafe?  You know, drinks and snacks, or something."  Mylene suggested.

            "Nice idea, Mylene!  Maybe a maid cafe?"  Ivan seconded.

             "Ha!  You men WOULD like to see us in maid costumes.  How typical."  Chloe retorted.   

             "Well, what would you suggest, Chloe?"  Ms. Bustier asked her, smiling a non-judgemental smile.

             "Naturally, it'd have to be a fashion show.  But of course, all my clothes would be designer.   Like hell I'll wear anything any of you make."  

              We all growled our annoyance.

              "Marinette, how about you?  Any ideas that you'd like to contribute?"  Ms. Bustier's eyes, along with everyone else's were on me now.

              "Well...uh...what if we maybe combined several ideas?  Like say...Truth or Dare and...something that'd make your heart pound, like...a test of courage?  I dunno...I'm babbling."  I trailed off, flushed.  But everyone's expressions changed in a flash.

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