Chapter 10-Pieces Coming Together

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(Marinette POV)

            I clung to Luka the rest of the way home.  I felt if I let go, my legs would give out and I'd be swept away in a river of my own tears.  God, how embarrassing.  Today has been an epic disaster!  I thought I'd already been through plenty of them, but this definitely takes the cake!  

           First, Adrien said all those horrible things to me.  Next, Luka kisses me and confesses.  Then, Adrien shows up out of nowhere and surprises all of us by kissing me too.  And then I, in a hurt and already confused rage, went and blabbed my feelings to Adrien, IN FRONT OF LUKA!!  Today truly is the worst.

           But, despite all that, Luka is still being a perfect gentleman, by walking me home and allowing me to cling to him like a sniveling fungus.  He didn't say a word about anything that happened as we walked in silence.  The only sounds were of the breeze in the trees, kids laughing, the occasional honk of a horn and my hiccup crying.

            Finally arriving at my house, I released my strong hold on Luka's arm.  Turning away from him, I did my best to wipe away the remains of my tears and snotty nose.   Turning back around, I did my very best in forcing a smile, praying he wouldn't be able to tell.  But, of course, no such luck.  Eyebrows pinched, lips turned downward.  His face told me what I didn't want to hear.

           We didn't have to voice a word.  Our facial expressions were having the conversation for us.  Between his looks of worry and disapproval of my fake front, I'd counter with my typical smile that wouldn't convince a pigeon, though my eyes always seemed to tell the truth.  Finally admitting defeat, Luka sighs, rolls his eyes, then gives me a gentle hug.

          He finally breaks the radio silence.  "You know, Marinette, I know I've told you this before, but I think I'll say it again; just in case you've forgotten.  But you really are an extraordinary girl.  One of the best I've ever seen or heard.  So I hope you'll take that to heart and not let anyone steal your melody away from you.  If that were to ever happen, the world would be a whole lot dimmer without your positive light.  But I promise you, whether it be as your lover or just as your friend, I will always be there to help you."

         I hugged him back.  "I know, Luka.  Next to Alya, I really couldn't ask for a better friend.  And I will consider and really think about your feelings too."  Releasing him, I gave him the truest smile I could muster, then entered my family's bakery.

         My parents could feel my tension, but thought better than to pester me right now.  I asked them if I could have some undisturbed alone time for awhile in my room and they agreed.  Fleeing to the comfort of my room, I let Tikki out of my purse so we could talk.

         "Wow, Marinette.  What a day!"  Tikki exclaimed.

         "Tikki, I don't even know what to process first.  Luka gave me yet another beautiful confession, but then what was up with Adrien today?  It's getting so hard to follow his hot and cold attitude, I don't even know which side of him is the real Adrien anymore!  How can I even think about answering Luka honestly when I now have to sort my feelings about Adrien YET AGAIN!!"

          "Well, we can figure this out later.  I think we should really go visit Master Fu and see if there's been any Akuma sightings.  Except for all the weird occurrences at the school, things seem pretty quiet."  Tikki said.

          "I couldn't agree more.  Tikki, Spots On!"  Using my magic yo-yo now as Ladybug, I propelled myself off my balcony, skimming across the rooftops of Paris; making my way to Master Fu's apartment.  Once in front of his door, I told Tikki "Spots Off", then knocked.  Master Fu answered the door.

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