its over /chapter 7

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*6 years later*
Ima propose tonight. Well actually in about 5 minutes I took racc to a picnic under the stars "so why did you bring me here~" He said puting his hand near somewhere I blessed and giggled "no stop it ezra" I said smiling "so why is we here" He asked and kissed me on the cheek "stand up and look over there" I said pointing in a random direction.

He did as he was told and I stood behind him and got down on one knee "what are you talk about I don't see a-" He said and turned around and looked at me. "Ezra we have know each other for about 10 or 13 maybe more years and I never thought I would be dating you because you are the man of my dream and" I paused and pulled out a little black box "I was wondering if you would make me the happiest being on this planet so will you marry me?" I ask and opened the box.

He started crying and nodding his hand I put the ring on his finger then he hugg's me and springs me around " love you I live you so fucking much" I said crying now as well. I laughed "what so funny" He asked "I guess the stars did lead me somewhe and that somewhere was to the love of my life" I said "so in other words" Racc started "the starts lead me to you" I finished

Thank you guys for reading my shit show of a book it really mean a lot I guess this is goo- un till we meet again 👋👋

the stars lead me to youWhere stories live. Discover now