chapter 6

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POV:swagger (SURPRISE BITCHES YOU DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING) (also there shall be some switz/swaggerfitz)

I was playing cs:go with fitz, racc, and grizzy I was playing my keyboard and bobbing my head in game. "You good swaggs" Fitz asked laughing I stop and looked at him "yee YEET" I said laughing "and this ladies and gentlemen is swaggershouls high again" Gruzzy said I started laughing no I'm not high shockingly.

I then get a call from JC "I'll be back in a second I'm getting a call" I said and took my headset off and answered the phone. "Hey what up" I said he hardly ever calls me "racc and I k-kissed at a Masquerade party and I locked my self in my bathroom and I don't know what to do" He said panicking

"hey hey it ok I'm here also I fucking knew it" I said "what?" He asked confused "I knew you liked him" I said "wh-wh-i-NO" he said fumblling over his words he totally has a crush. "You totally like hiiimmm" I said sing songy  "wh-shut up at least I don't like Fitz" He said fuck is it that obvious "how do you know that" I asked.

I Scrathched the back of my head reeee "dude it's do fucking obvious also Fitz totally likes you back you're just to oblivious to realise it" He said I'm not blushing you are. "No there is no way in fuck" I said "there totally is" He said laughing "well if racc is staying with you then you should probably go talk to him" I said "yeah" He agreed.

I then heard him grunt "so I guess I do it now and tell you how it goes bye swagger" He said "bu-byeee" I said I walked over to my computer and sat down. I put me head set back on to hear "I really like him but I fucked up I kissed him" Raccooneggs said panicking he likes him back i knew it point swagger "you didn't mess up any thing you need to tell him" Fitz said "you don't understand I really like him I doubt he even swings that way" Racc said.

Oh he does trust me "I totally do I have a huge fucking crush on swag remember also go talk to him" He said uhhhhh UHHHHHHH UHHHHHH AAHHHHHHHHHHH HE LIKES ME NO THIS IS A JOKE AHH ok calm the fuck down swagger. "Ok oh Frick he just knocked he is out side the door I will talk to you later Fitz tell swagger I said bye". He said

He logged of fans it was just me and Fitz "Cameron" I said I heard him jump "oh when did you get back swagger" He asked I could hear the panicked laced in is voice well might as well make the most of it "i was here long enough come over to the house now" I said "no-wait swagger i-its not what you think i-its"
He was trying to say something "get over here now" I said and logged off now we shall wait.

I finished  the chat will swagger and got up. Come on you can do this. I slowly make my way to the taking room I could faintly hear him talking but I didn't know what he was saying I knocked on the door and after a few seconds he opened the door and pulled me in.

We sat down on a couch "look we need to talk about what happened" I said sighing he nodded "I know also I'm sorry I shouldn-" He started saying "we didn't know who each other were and it didn't mean anything... rIght?" I said haveing a mini voice crack I really hope it did mean something but I highly Doubt it.

We were basically just staring at each other "i-uh-no it didn't mean anything" He said and looked away. (Fuck it ima do it) "uh JC the thing is I also knew who you were I could tell by your shoes and bracelet" He said and looked at me "what then why did you k-" I started to say just to by shut up by racc kissing me for a second I was frozen until I started kissing back.

Oh my fucking goursh "I like you a lot JC I don't think you like me back but i really need you to know" Racc said I kissed his cheek "I like you too like a lot" I said smiling he smiled "thank jeer desus" He said honestly I'm to tied to even worry about it. I yawned and put my head on his shoulder "tired?" He asked I nodded.

He picked me up and took me to my room and laid me down then he layed down next to me.

(This part is just gonna be switz)
Fuck fuck fuck did he hear me say I liked him of course he did that's why he told me to come over fuck he hates me I bet he probably never wants to speak with me ever again. I pull up to the house and hop out well here we go.

I was looking out my window and I see Fitz get out of his car. I walked down stairs and opened the door he looked like a deer in head lights quite cute. "Come on cam" I said and lead him upstairs no one else was home

I shut the door and look at him "look Erik I know what you heard but i-its not what you think" He said panicking I pulled him downwards so we were the same height I kiss him he was shockith then kissed back "w-wait do you like me  back" He asked shocked "yeet" I said and kissed him again.

Once we pull away I say "of course I fucking like you stupid".

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