chapter two

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I woke up to Ezra holding my waist. I pulled away a little and looked at him. He groaned and rubbed his eyes and looked down to me we stared in eachother "I like your eyes" I said I just realised how stupid that sounded "that was adorable and thank you"

I smiled and tried to stand up only to be pulled back down "I got to get upp" I said not really wanting to but knowing I should "why" He said "I have to go to the bathroom" I lied.

"Finne come back after" He said and let me go. I walked out of me room and to the kitchen to make some egg and bacon and toast. Soon racc came into the kitchen

He stood next to me "you lied to meh" He said "yep" I said popping the p "that's not very nice" He said getting closer to me I realised both of us still had our tops off

I stared to blush again fuck "d-do you want food or nah" I said trying to brush it off "I guess" He said and laughed I laughed to "then go sit down" I said sticking my tongue out at him he rolled his eyes and sat down.

I finished cooking and gave him a plate and sat down across from him we sat in silence and ate he finished first and can over to me and sat on my lap. "Uh hi" I said blushing why does he do this to me.

"Hello" he said Smirking "why are you on my lap"  I asked "I'm bored" He said.
"Wow there is a lot of se- never mind" He said and stood up "want to go explore the city" I asked "yeah sure" He said enthusiastically "I'm gonna take a shower want to join me" He said and winked I wonder if I'm the only one that feels the sexual tension never mind it's probably not even there.

"Ha ha no thanks" I say trying to laugh it off am I blushing again uhh I'm gonna get him back. He left and went to take a shower. I do the dishes and put some clothes on. I was sitting on my bed waiting for (you know where it's going) Ezra.

He can out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist we both just stared at each other bright red "uh I  *cough* I forgot my clothes" He said and gave a small smile.

I just nod and look down at phone really embarrassed why am I this wa-is my chance  I look at Erza and say "youre hot" It's not much but he turned more red "I bet you would look better without the towel" I said and winked he grabbed his clothes and rushed to the bathroom bright red.

I just laughed at how cute he was. He soon came out. With a faint blush "you're a jerk you know that" He said "I don't know what you are talking about" I said and stood up and walked in front of him "oh really" He said putting his hands on my hips

I just nod smiling "That outfit looks good on you do you know where it would look better?" He asked "no" I asked confused thinking it's gonna be an insult "my bedroom floor" He whispered in my ear now I was blushing. "Are we gonna go explore or just do this all day"  I said

He smiled "I could do either" He said and laughed "shut up and let's go" I said and dragged his ass out of the house "let's walk" He said I nodded we stared walking down a side walk. We make it to an ice cream shop "let's stop" He said I smiled we went inside I ordered a medium chocolate ice cream racc orders a medium vanilla ice cream.

We go sit in a booth and wait for our ice cream to get done. Soon the waiter came over to us he handed racc his ice cream and handed mine to me and winked. I saw he wrote his number on the napkin. I blush and show racc "whatever he is just a fuck boi" He said kind of jel- OH MY FUCKING GOD IS RACC JEALOUS.

I look at him and raised an eye brow "what" He said still looking a bit mad "are you jealous" I asked "what no! He was just a fUcK boi that's all" He said at this point he was blushing "you're blushing you're embarrassed so that means you are" I said and smiled at him "shut the fuck up" He said and we started laughing

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