Stormy Night

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A/N sorry it's a repost because it wouldn't show up for some people.

It's a stormy night. I can already tell the power is gonna go off eventually. I'm huddled up by the fireplace. The fireplace is old enough that if the power goes out I won't have to worry about getting cold. I have my phone charging so it has more charge if the power goes out, I have the news on on the tv, and I already have the flashlights and blankets pulled out.

I'm watching the news when all of a sudden my doorbell rings. Who would be wandering around in the middle of a storm? I make my way to the door. The doorbell rings again. When I reach the door I unlock it then swing it open. Standing there is a beautiful boy with dirty blonde hair and pretty brown eyes. He looked to be about my age, maybe a year or two older.

"Hi sorry to bother you but my car broke down and I was wondering if I could crash here till the storm passed?" He asked. He has a strong British accent.

"Of course." I opened the door wider and steeped out of the way to let him in. He smiled. he has such a beautiful smile. His nose scrunched up just the slightest little bit and the edges of his eyes crinkled. I lead him into my living room after I locked the door.

"I'll be right back." I told him then walked to my room and grabbed a pair of sweatpants, a shirt, and some underwear. Then I walked back into the living room. "Here." I said handing him the pile of clothes, "You must be freezing. The bathroom is the third door on the right down that hall." I pointed down the hall to my left.

"Thanks he mumbled then walked to the bathroom and changed. While he is changing I go and grab some more blankets since I only had enough for me. When I come back I set the blankets down by the others. Soon after he comes back holding his wet clothes.

"Here I'll take those and put them in the dryer." I took his wet clothes from him and walk towards the laundry room, "Make yourself at home." I called over my shoulder. I was walking back from putting his clothes in the dryer when a thought occurred to me. I have let this man in my house, wear my clothes, dry his clothes for him and I don't even know his name.

"They should be dry in about an hour." I inform him.

"Thanks. For everything." he responds. "Names Newt by the way." So his name is Newt. That answered my thoughts from just moments ago.

"Thomas." I respond, "Nice to meet you Newt."

"Nice to meet you too, Tommy." No ones ever called me Tommy before. I like it. At least from him I do.

"Do you need to charge your phone incase the power goes out?" I asked him.

"Uh sure. Do you have an umbrella I can use to run out to my car and get my charger?"

"Well what kind of phone do you have? I might have a charger that you can use." I don't want him to have to go back out in that weather.

"iPhone 5." He responds.

"I have the same kind. Hold on I have an extra charger in my room." I run to my room and grab the charger. When I come back Newt is looking at some of the pictures I have hanging up or sitting on tables. "Here you go." I hand him the charger.

"Is this you're girlfriend?" He asks pointing to a picture of me and Teresa.

"No. She's my sister. She moved to Arkansas a couple years ago because she wanted to get away from the city." I told him.

"Oh. My sister still lives in England. Her name is Brenda." He went to plug his phone up. "She still thinks I'm crazy for moving here." He continued. It was quite for a few minutes.

"So how do you like it down here?" I asked trying to break the silence. Newt chuckled a little.

"It's great." He replied.

"How long have you been here?" I asked.

"About a month. I'm sharing an apartment with one of my distant cousins who found out I was moving here and jump at the idea of me living with him instead of having to find my own place. His names Alby by the way."

"Well Alby seems like a pretty nice guy then." I said.

"Yeah but enough about me. What about you?" He asked.

"Well my mom died in a car accident when I was 6 so it was just me, my dad, and Teresa for most of my life." I told him.

"I'm sorry to hear about your mum. My dad walked out on us when I was 10. Said he wanted to start over. Haven't seen the bloody shank since."

"Well it seems that both of our childhoods sucked at some point." I said.

"I think the worst time of my childhood was when I was 15 and I "came out of the closet" and everyone started tormenting me. Everyday I would get beat up after school. Finally my mum decided to just homeschool me." he had a look on his face that I've never seen on anybody before. It looked like someone who was reliving a horrible memory.

"I know exactly how you fell." I told him. Because the same thing happened to me when I "came out of the closet".

"So you're gay too?"


We talked for a few more hours about anything and everything. The rain sill pounding on the roof and every few seconds a loud clang of thunder.

When the news went off we turned the channel to watch Friends reruns. After a while we got bored so we decided to play a drinking game.

I went and got the stuff and we sat down on the floor.

"Okay we'll choose a subject and whoever tells the best story doesn't have to drink while the other one does."

So we played this until we ran out. We were both pretty hammered by now.

"You know, Tommy, you are really cute." Newt said with a little slur. I giggled.

"You are too Newt." The next thing I know we're kissing. Soon that escalades and we are both shirtless. That's about the last thing I remember.

When I wake up there's a pain in my head and wait why is there arms around me? And why am I naked? Then the events of last night come flooding back to me. I groan.

I untangle myself from Newt then put some clothes on and go start breakfast. I'm just about done when Newt comes in fully clothed.

"Good morning." I say.

"It would be better if I didn't have such a bad headache." He says.

"I feel ya." I say with a little chuckle. I finish cooking and we eat breakfast in silence. until...

"Look about last night..." Newt begins but I cut him off.

"It was a drunken mistake. I understand." I tell him.

"Well actually I kinda enjoyed it. I wouldn't mind doing that again except being sober." He was blushing and he was looking down at his plate.

"Well I'm not much for one nightstands so you're in luck." I smirked at him. He looked up and smiled at me. We finished eating and then I helped him fix his car.

When we came back inside I got his clothes for him and we traded numbers.

"Well I should get going. Don't want Alby gettin worried."

"Yeah I guess so. But uh do you want to uh get some lunch later?"

"Yes I would love to." He smiled. I put my hand on his cheek and pulled him in. We kissed for a little bit. Then we broke apart and said good bye then he was gone. I couldn't wait till our lunch date.

A/N sorry if it's bad I wrote this late at night and I didn't feel like proof reading it

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