Old Soccer Teammates

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Wow it's been awhile guys! I just never had any ideas to write about. If you want you can comment or message me prompts.

Newt POV

I've played soccer for 9 years, ever since I was a little boy. Now I'm in the 9th grade and I'm "too old" to play there anymore.

My friend Chuck, who is a year younger, is playing this year and is currently begging me to come watch him tonight.

"Please Newt." Chuck whines.

"Who's all on your team that I might know?" I ask him with a sigh. This would be a good way to get to see some of my old teammates.

"Minho, Alby, Thomas..." Chuck keeps naming people but after he says Thomas' name a wave of feelings come crashing back into me.

Last year me and Thomas were on the same team and I may or may not have had a crush on him. The thing is he's a year younger and homeschooled. The only time I've seen him since about this time last year was a few months ago when I passed him while he was in an isle at Walmart.

"So will you Newt? Please!" Chuck begs.

"Yeah sure fine. It gives me a chance to see some of my old teammates." I say giving in.

"Yay! Okay the games at 7!" He practically yells in excitement then runs off.

~7 o'clock~

I dragged Gally with me to the game since we were on the same team a few times and became somewhat good friends. I immediately spot Thomas on the field. It's like all the feelings I thought went away came crashing back, but 10 times harder. Shuck!

We watched the game with me cheering for my old friends and Gally complaining about me dragging him here. I know deep down he misses playing here though.

After the game I walk up to Chuck and tell him good job before turning to leave.

"Newt?" It's been a year but I can still tell exactly who's voice that is.

"Hey Tommy." I respond with a smile as I turn back around.

"It's good to see you man." He exclaims clapping me on the shoulder. His touch lingering for a second longer than it should have.

"Yeah good to see you too, Tommy." I say back with another smile.

The next few minutes is a blur. Thomas asks to exchange numbers, which I gladly do, then he gives me a quick hug before running to catch up with his parents and sister, Teresa.

Later that night I receive a text.

Hey Newt :)

Hey Tommy :)

Okay just making sure we got the numbers right. Talk to you later I'm really tired after that game.

Okay goodnight, Tommy.

I put my phone on the charger and lay it on my bedside table before pulling up the covers and getting comfortable on my side. I fall asleep with images of Thomas running through my mind, and dream of fantasies only my mind could concur up for me and Thomas.

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