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Thomas backed up gaining speed as he went. It was down to him, number 57, and #8. He never caught the other drivers name because it was too loud to her the announcer.

At the last second the other guy speed around one of the cars that had already broke their stick. Thomas switched gears to try and follow him. The next thing he knows he's being hit from the front.

They continue driving in circles hitting each other whenever they get a chance. Eventually Thomas thinks he can finally get a good hit. He speeds forward out of their little circle hope the other guy follows. He swerves around one of the other broken down cars and spins around so he can drive backwards into the other car.

It looks like he's finally gonna get him. He gets ahead of himself and doesn't notice the other guy had backed up some and is now speeding towards him. There's a loud bang as the other guy hits Thomas in the rear end.

Thomas tries to pull forward but his car won't move. He starts panicking a little. #8 is driving in slow circles around him like he's taunting him.

"30 more seconds on #57" Thomas barely heard the announcer over the blood pounding in his ears. He knows it's over. He continues frantically trying to get his car to move but to no avail.

#8 seems bored as he continues to drive in slow, lazy circles around him.

"15 seconds left on #57" The announcer updates. Fuck it. It's over. Thomas realizes he's not gonna get his car to start so he hopes up to sit where his window would originally be if this wasn't a derby car. He reaches up and breaks his stick signaling he's out.

#8 speeds up and drives around the whole arena while his fans cheer. Thomas takes his helmet off and throws it back into his car.

"The announcer lists of the top 5 winners but Thomas isn't listening. He knows he got 2nd place anyways. He rests his head in his arms on top of his roof since he's still sitting in the window.

Suddenly he feels a light tap on his shoulder. He lifts his head up and turns to look at the person who approached him. Thomas was awe struck. The guy had dirty blonde hair and beautiful brown eyes. He also had this amazing smile. It made Thomas feel as if the world were okay again. Like he didn't just lose.

"Names Newt. Nice driving." The blonde introduced himself. Thomas noticed he had a British accent.

"Thomas. And thanks." Thomas answered.

"I almost gave up and broke my stick before I got that hit in." Wait. This was the guy driving the #8 car? No shucking way.

"Oh! So you're the one who was driving that car?" Thomas asked him even more awe strucked. This guy was beautiful and an amazing driver.

"Yep. That would be me." He had another bright smile on his face. Thomas was about to say something before Newt spoke up again. "Looks like they're about to move your car. I should probably go back to mine now." He then wrote something on Thomas' car. The brunette noticed it was a phone number upon closer inspection. "Call me sometime." With that he stepped back as the backend of Thomas' car was picked up by the machine. Thomas only had time to nod before his car bad being pushed out of the arena.

Later when they were waiting to get their awards Thomas noticed Newt looking at him. The blonde smiled. Thomas waved with a slight smile on his face.


Next year Newt and Thomas had been dating for a year and partners in crime in the derby. If someone hit their significant other the other would chase that car and ram them into the wall. Until the guy finally had to break his stick.

When it came down to just them left they would take it as a challenge to see who could win this time. Thomas was still trying to get Newt back for his loss. Now the score is just 2-Newt and 0-Thomas. He didn't even really care. As long as Newt was happy and he got see that amazing smile of his.

A\N sorry it sucks. I'm like super tired right now but I really wanted to write this. I might start updating this one shot story more.

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