Thanksgiving Dinner

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Happy late Thanksgiving everyone 🦃

Thomas's POV

"Newt will be here in 10!" I yelled to my parents. Newt is my best friend, just recently we decided to get together. My parents don't know yet. They don't even know I'm gay. I'm just glad I could talk them into letting Newt come over and eat Thanksgiving dinner with us.

"Okay sweetie! Can you please come help us set the table?" My mom yelled back up the stairs. I then hurried down the stairs and did as I was asked.

10 minutes later there was a knock on the door. "I got it!" I yelled as I ran out of the dining room, through the hall, and around a corner to the door quickly yanking it open.

"Hey." I greeted my boyfriend once I saw him.

"Happy Thanksgiving Tommy!" Newt looked amazing in his white button up shirt and black skinny jeans with his black leather jacket to top it off.

"You too!" I quickly checked behind me to see if anyone was there. No one was so I turned back around and kissed my boyfriend.

"I brought pie." Newt told me as we pulled away and headed inside.

"What our luck! We forgot to get one!" My mom then came out from the kitchen. "It's good to see you again Newt." She then proceeded to pull him into a hug as my dad came into the room followed by my little brother Chuck.

"Yeah it's been a few days since you've been here boy." My dad clapped a hand on Newt's shoulder.

"Sorry sir, been busy these last few days." Newt apologized and smiled. "It's good to see y'all too."

"Well come on boys, don't want the food getting cold now do we?" My mom said as she herded us into the dining room.

Newt and I sat down next to each other, Chuck next to Newt, my dad next to me and my mom between him and Chuck.

"Alright before we eat let's all say what we're thankful for." My mom suggested. My mom, dad, and Chuck all said what they're thankful for then it was my turn.

"I'm thankful for my family and friends, especially Newt." I said keeping it short and simple hopefully without giving too much away.

"What about you Newt?" My dad asked.

"I'm thankful for Tommy and all of you." We all knew that Newt and his parents aren't on the best of terms, that's part of the reason my parents always let me invite him over on holidays, so no one questioned why he didn't say his family.

After that we began to eat. It all went great. We talked, we laughed, we are, but then my mom asked a certain question.

"So Newt are you dating anybody?" Newt and I both stilled.

"Uh mom that's kind of a personal question don't you think?" I asked quickly.

"No it's okay Tommy. Um yeah I am. Uh her names uh Harriet?" Newt lied.

"What a lovely name." My mom seemed to not hear the questioning tone in Newt's voice. I knew Newt was lying but something like a knife cut through me as he said that. Just the idea of Newt being with someone else hurt.

"Nope I can't do this." I dropped my fork in my plate.

"What do you mean Thomas?" My dad asked worried.

"Yeah, Tommy, what do you mean?" Newt asked with a questioning tone in his voice. My mom also had a worried expression on her face.

"I mean I can't just sit here and let you lie to them because I'm not ready to come out and tell them yet." I looked straight into Newt's eyes as I talked.

"What are you not wanting to tell us Sweetie?" My mom asked softly.

"I'm gay and Newt isn't dating some girl named Harriet. He's dating me." I rushed wanting to get it out.

"Thomas why would you be scared to tell us that? If you're happy we're happy." My dad placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks dad." I smiled at him. That went a lot better than I thought it would.

"Just from now on leave the doors open when y'all are in a room alone." My mom said. Newt and I both laughed but when we saw their serious faces we stopped.

"Good that Mrs. Green." Newt smiled his sweet smile at her.

"Oh please dear call me Sarah." Smiled back. The rest of the meal went by great. Thomas definitely had a lot to be thankful for, but mostly his amazing family and his wonderful boyfriend.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2015 ⏰

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