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ACT ONE, SCENE NINE: Why the Hell is That Real?
"Do not be afraid."


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THE CAR WAS SILENT, SURPRISINGLY. No loud rock music played, no loud engines from speeding, no more sounds came from the trunk. Something was off.

Her scar would not stop tingling. Mallory knew it was a bad idea for her to follow Billy. She slowly moved her hand to the car door handle.

As soon as her hand even touched the handle, Billy's hand snapped outward and grasped hers. She sucked in a breath, a little scared of what could happen to her.

"Do not be afraid," He said, creepily calm, "You will see everything, soon."

"What's wrong, Billy?" Mallory asked, weirdly getting tearful.

When there was no answer, Mallory turned herself to face him. His veins in his arm popped out and were black like ink. That same strange ink continue everywhere on the right side of his body.

For some reason, Mallory mumbled to herself, "Billy, where are you?"

As if the person driving the Camaro right next to her was not Billy.

Finally, they arrived at Brimborn Steel Works—the old steel factory that closed down in the 70s. Mallory looked at Billy, still severely frightened. He slowly got out of the car.

Mallory stayed in as he popped the trunk. There was a rustle, a couple whimpers, and a thud to end it all. Someone was in the trunk, Mallory figured. She can't remember the last time she was this scared.

A knock came at the window. It was, of course, Billy. Apparently, it was time for them to go somewhere else.

"Billy, what're we doing here?" Mallory asked shakily as she opened the door.

"Come," He said, still eerily calm, "Follow me."

Mallory did what he said, partly out of morbid curiousity and the other part out of fear. The fear grew immensely when Billy pulled Heather from the trunk. She literally screamed.

"Billy! What the fuck!? Did you—Did you kidnap her? What is happening, Billy, this isn't you!" She shouted. The look Billy have her shut her up. Anyone who had that pure dead emotion in their eyes was a force not to be reckoned with.

Mallory followed Billy in quiet submission. She didn't know what to do. There were two thoughts swirling around in her head: how does she survive this and how does she save Billy?

Inside, it was clearly dilapidated. Yet, there was something eerie about how quiet it was in that old steel mill. Shouldn't there have been birds in there? Like owls that had made their nests in that abandoned place? Rats, even?

Billy came to a stop in the basement of the mill. Mallory stood behind him, trying to be as quiet as possible. She would've reached out to touch Billy if she hadn't been so afraid of how he would react.

Billy set Heather down, leaning close to take the tape of her mouth and whisper in her ear, "Do not be afraid. Just try to stay very, very still."

The words gave Mallory the shivers. She felt comfortable enough to finally grab Billy's hand. Her scar felt like it was nearly bubbling.

"Billy, let's go, okay? I'll-I'll call the police but I won't tell them it was you, okay? I'll cover for you or something, please, let's just go," Mallory begged, tugging on his hand. He, of course, didn't budge.

The most disgusting sound Mallory had ever heard came off from the shadows. When she looked up, she knew exactly what it was. That thing from her latest visit in the Black Room.

Mallory cried out in horror. Heather did the same, yet her sobs were cut short when a fleshy tentacle shot out and attached itself to her face. Seeing that only made Mallory scream louder.

She gripped onto Billy's arm and attempted to drag him away from the scene but Bily easily overpowered Mallory and whipped her around and into his body so she could watch all of the gore happening around her.

Billy's arm practically bound her to his chest. His arm across her shoulder and chest made it nearly impossible to move. He wanted her to see this.

The strangle tentacle detached itself from Heather's face. She was passed out, either from lack of oxygen or whatever alien mumbo jumbo was just forced into her. Billy's grip on Mallory loosened slightly.

She took the chance and sprinted back up the stairs and out the steel works. Mallory couldn't believe what she had seen. The hyperventilation didn't pair well with the running, though, and by the time she reached the car, Mallory practically passed out in the passenger seat.

Billy was calm as he approached the car. Everything about him was off and now Mallory knew why. The black crawling up his arm was a big indicator, too.

He slid into the drivers seat, "The girl with black hair."

"What?" Mallory said, still gasping for air.

"The girl with the black hair who let us in here. Who is she?"

Mallory scoffed, "I have no fucking clue what you're talking about. You better fucking take me home, Billy Hargrove, and I'm just gonna hope that you can sleep whatever this is off."

She knew he couldn't, she just didn't know what to say.

Billy complied and drove Mallory home. She didn't go inside, though, and waited Billy to pull away. A moment passed.

The boy finally backed out and turned right—the direction in which they just came and opposite of his house. Once he was out of sight, Mallory booked it to the Hargrove household.

She practically crashed into the door as she tried to knock on it, definitely waking up the household. Grumbling could be heard on the other side as Mallory became more and more impatient. Finally, the door swung up to reveal Neil.

"Do you— Mallory Manor, what the fuck are you doing here!?" He didn't have enough sleep to control his anger.

Mallory shoved past him, "I need to talk to Max. Now!"

words: 1007
date published: friday, august 16th, 2019, 3:56 am

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