~A day out sounds fun~

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"Oi wake up sleepyhead."

A voice abruptly called to me, waking me up from my lovely dream. In front of me sat the very well dressed Greed, sitting at the end of my surprisingly large bed without permission.

"You're getting worse than Sloth at waking up, and sometimes she doesn't even get up!"

Groggily, I sat up on my bed and looked at the quite fancy clock on the other side of my oddly large room. 10:45? That's not even that late. I was completely unsure as to why I would need to be awake so early. Greed looked a little annoyed that I had no clue why I was needed, so to answer my unasked questions he stubbornly told me that:

"We need you to help us make breakfast, the only one who could sort of cook was Lust and she won't go near the oven any more thanks to the 'spaghetti' incident."

Greed was wearing a rather nice white suit, made with black buttons and a small watermelon pink lily flower in the front pocket on his chest. His shortish blond hair and golden coloured eyes all seemed to glow against the darker colours of my unlit room.

"So basically you're saying that because literally all seven of you can't cook that I need to make you all food every single morning, afternoon and evening?"

"Well that is your job as caretaker, is it not? You're supposed to be taking care of us, aren't you?"

I sighed, knowing full well he had gotten me there, it really was my job to look after all of them. His normally calm face gained a pretty sly smile as if to mock me in a joking manner before he got himself up from the bed and inspected some of the many unnecessarily expensive items in the room. It wasn't my intention to have so many exorbitant things placed in my room but each and every single item here was already placed here when we arrived. Greed's golden eyes flared up as he inspected the items; specifically, a small pocket watch placed in the second draw of the bedside cabinet.

"Is this what I think it is? Oh my, it is! This is worth so much, with this I could start up my business again! Could I please have this?"

His face began to plead as the thoughts of riches he could obtain from said watch began to cloud his thoughts.

"S-sure I guess? I never really wanted it in the first place so do whatever the hell you want with it."

Like a lost puppy, he grabbed it within hid hands and jumped a little bit in joy at the sudden amount of wealth he had gained thanks to being chosen to wake me up.

"Oh thank you, you will not regret investing in my company!"

"Investing...in your...company?"

Before I could question what exactly Greed meant with that statement he bolted out of the room, leaving the large oak door to be stationed open. By now I was completely awake, and being unable to force myself back asleep I rose from my bed and got up onto my feet. Walking over to the side of the room with a large mirror, even larger than me, I grabbed a dark blue dressing gown and put it on to go downstairs.

Taking my final step down the large staircase leading to the large opening room containing the front door as well as the kitchen to the left and a living room to the right. Turning left I was greeted by a few familiar faces. Standing in the kitchen was two of what I would consider the more rational of the Sins: Wrath and Sloth.

Sloth (who was laying across the three kitchen counters that were meant for preparing food) turned to me with half-closed eyelids, her light blue eyes only just paying attention to my arrival.


Wrath began to pat Sloth's back gently, her long fluffy purple tousled hair that was matched with a large poofy fringe that covered the entirety of her deep orange, almost cat-like in colour, eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2019 ⏰

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