Chapter 26: Our three way alliance

Start from the beginning

"Well. The choice is obvious." Courtney stated.

Duncan closed his eyes, smiling 'knowing' it was going to be him.

"We choose Aaron." Courtney pointed.

Duncan's smile changed straight into a shocked look. I smirked at his defeat.

"Okay. But why isn't Owen competing?" I asked.

"Owen earned himself penalty last night when he snuck off set to Uh, go skateboarding." Chris explained.

"What? I'd never ride something with wheel that small."

"Yes you would." Chris handed him the skateboard

"Oh! You mean last night, last night. Right." Owen laughed." Yeah. I flagged a taxi and went into town to hit the skate park. Check out this gnarly fake fifty-sevens-twentys trick."

Owen jumped on the skateboard, and stood on it. The skateboard then slipped right from under him, landing him right on his face.

We all stared with suspicion.

"Okay, I grabbed a burger." Owen admitted.

"I could see that." Beth stated.

"Of course." I added.

"He does have an appetite." Harold said.

"In Kung-Fu movies actors train with stunt choreographers before they film their fight scenes. So today each team will have a trainer and a fighter. Pick your roles and train as hard as you can in the Kung-fu style of your choice. The battle begins when noble Heron flies east." Chris said.

"And in human, that would be?" Duncan asked.

"Four hours. May the best Fu win. Excelsior!" Chris was taken away by the strings.


Me, Courtney, Beth separated ourselves from the boys to strategize.

"Alright. Listen up! Beth. Me, and Courtney are going to be your trainers. With us as your teachers, we can beat those boys and win the reward." I stated.

"Yeah. Easier said than done." Beth sighed.

"Your training shall begin."


We started off we sneakily waxing Chef.

"That's it. Wax on." Courtney whispered.

Beth did as she said.

"Wax Off!" Me and Courtney both told Beth as she snatched it off.

Chef got up, running.


We next started with coaching her with push ups.

"28, 29, 30." Me and Courtney both counted.

"That's it!" Courtney encouraged.

"You're doing great!" I added.

We saw Duncan standing on Harold while he did push ups. Courtney got a boulder and put it on Beth's back. And then she stood on the boulder.

"Faster Beth! Faster! YOU'RE A WARRIOR AND A DESTROYER!" Courtney told her.

"I think that might be too much pressure. She is rather... small." I stated.

"Fine. We'll give it a rest." Courtney said, taking the boulder off of Beth's back.


We next had Beth balancing on one leg, trying to make sure she doesn't fall into the water.

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