"I'm still here." He replied quietly.

"Answer my questions, Lou. Where are you?" I asked again. Another deafening silent pause.

"I'm in Doncaster. I took a train." He told me. I breathed a sigh of relief. At least we know where he is now.

"I'm on my way." I told him, moving away from Niall to grab my keys and my coat.

"No!" Louis' voice stopped me cold. Niall was magnetized right next to me again. He lightly rubbed my back, causing me to shiver. "Don't...don't come. I want to be alone." He said.

"This isn't an option, Louis. I need to see you. I need to talk to you." I told him, resuming what I was doing. I pulled on my coat and started towards the door.

"Just come alone." He told me. Of course I was going to bring Niall and the other lads. "Don't bring anyone. I just want to see you." Louis said.

"O-of course. Just me. I'm coming alone." I said. I caught Niall's eyes and he looked sad. "Why don't you want your brothers to be there?" I asked.

"I just need to talk to you alone first." He told me.

"Okay...I'm on my way. I'll tell you when I've reached Doncaster." I told him.

"Thanks." He whispered.

"I love you, Louis." I told him. But I didn't get a reply. I just got the dial tone.


I whipped out my cellphone just as I took the offramp into Doncaster. Niall's face popped up and I couldn't help but smile. I quickly unlocked my phone and hit 'Lou:P' on my favorites. I waited and waited and waited...

"Olivia." He answered, his tone lighter than our previous conversation back at the flat.

"Where are you in Doncaster. I just entered town." I said not bothering with a greeting.

"I'm in the park. The park our mums used to always take us." Louis told me. I just nodded and told him I'd be there in about twenty minutes. I ended the call and focused on my driving. I hope he hadn't slept there.

I didn't bother locking my car. I just jumped out, slammed the door, and sprinted into the park. I noticed a dark figure on the swings, slowly moving back and forth, back and forth. His feet were dragging under him and his hands were gripped tightly to the rusted chains.

"Louis!" I called, about thirty meters away. His head snapped up, but he didn't get up. I ran over to him. I didn't hesitate when I yanked him up by his collar and pulled him into a tight hug. "Louis." I whispered into his ear. Tears came to my eyes. I was shocked when Louis' arms wrapped around my torso and he was hugging me back. "I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry." I mumbled into his neck.

"You didn't do anything." He replied.

"It's all my fault. I wasn't there for you when you needed me. And you were always there for me." I told him, begining to sob into his coat.

"You didn't do anything." He repeated. I just hugged him tighter, my body shaking from the tears.

"I was so worried." I told him.

"I know. I just needed to be alone. I just needed time to collect my thoughts. I'm sorry I didn't call." He said.

"No I'm sorry. I should have been there for you. I should have never ever let you walk out that door. I should have stopped you and talked to you!" I said, getting angry with myself. I pulled back and noticed tears were silently tumbling down Louis' cheeks as well. "I should have done something. I was worried sick."

Friends With Benefits (Book 1 in the Lou&Liv Trilogy) (One Direction)Where stories live. Discover now