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"We were the one who texted you the break up thing..." Hyunjin's gaze lowered down fidgetting his fingers, before he sigh.

"Before we knew he had that accident he was saying things that for us sure indeed ...pecular"

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"Hey, Jinnie pass that syrup here"

"Oh!okie hyung just wait a sec im chatting seungmin...you know i just can't leave him"

"Psh~ too sweet, you know someday it can be sour right? So stop when atleast you have time~"

"Huh-! How could you hyung!?? Bitter much? Go fetch your bf and suck him so that all sourness could go away! It's ruining my beauty"

"Hyunjin im not joking but do what ever you want"

"Well im not joking too...Is something wrong hyung? Jisung said youre avoiding him lately wanna talk it out?"

"No...even we fix it up i know it only ends up broken..it's not like life only have rainbows and glitters..theres no such thing as 'happy ending' only 'happy endings.."

"I don't get it hyung, its like last to days you and Jisung where having fun and now..i-"

"Hmm~ 'happy!' Right at first just like you thought it is eternal, youre not realizing the fact the your living in reality where there are not only just rainbows,unicorns,cupcakes and glitters have, it has storms, consequences but the worst was in reality it has 'endings'... i hate it. Theres no such thing is permanent in this world..."

"Were you being sarcastic?"

"Hyung! How could you say that Jisung will never leaves you. It comes from your own mouth, he is the sweetest person you've ever met. He is your doctor,teacher,playmate and your other half! You two were still together and i ain't see any problem between you two"

"There is...it's...it's me the problem..thats why im gonna end it now.."

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Soft sniffling filling the room coming from the smallest of the boys. Hands were clenched, shaky breath coming from his pursing lips as the tears started to slowly spill from his eyes.

"Wh-why..." he said more like a whisper Seungmin scooted and hug the older drawing circles at his back shushing him.

At the moment someone broke in the said house making the both three boys twitched there head to a certain figure who was coming their way. The lady was tall and resembles the features of one of his friends. Jisung quickly wiped away the stains and sat properly.

"Oh!- i didn't mean to ruin the moment im sorry..." the said lady bowed feeling apologetic for ruining the moment.

"I-it's fine mom! This is Jisung my friend! He was once at our old house you might known him before! anyways i thought you have work?"

Said by the man who beside the smallest which made the smallest to nod realizing it was his parent.

"Hi Jisung! Im Seungmin's Mother glad to meet you again. And well son, the clinic closed early than i thought my assitant went to something important though we ain't have any appointments to our patients so i went directly at home and bought this for you guys"

Seungmin's parent place a dessert at the center table offering the both three young men to dig in resulting Jisung to draw a smile from the hospitality.

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