Yandere Law x Reader - For the Taking

Start from the beginning

"I would never hurt you. I already told you that, so trust me," he said, tilting your chin up to look at him and not the steaming hot food.

You nodded, starting to eat the food he gave you as he stood up and walked over to his sword, picking it back up and resting it against his shoulder once more.

"If you need me, I'll just be in the room next door," he said, starting to walk to the door.

"Wait!" You called out, remembering the cloaked man. "S-Someone did this to me!"

He chuckled. "Obviously."

You pouted. "Well I'm just saying they might be after me, and they might try to kill you. You're in danger helping me!"

He smirked. "They won't."

And with that they walked into the other room, leaving you wondering who this man really was.


"Excuse me!" You called out to the man, who came quickly into your room.


"I was just wondering, it's probably costing you money to help fix me up and give me food, and I was wondering when I should pay you back?"

He smiled, walking over to the side of your bed again and leaned down close to your face, his hot breath sending chills down your spine.

"Oh you may not know it yet, but you've already paid me all that I need," he whispered.

You stared at him confused. "What do you mean? I haven't given you any money!"

He sighed, putting a hand on your cheek. "You'll figure out soon, don't worry. Just know that you're safe here, with me. You don't ever have to leave."

You frowned. "Well I'll have to leave when I'm healed. I do have family and friends waiting for me."

He scowled slightly, standing back up to tower over you. "Right, of course."


Having been there for a couple hours, you realized how dirty and disgusting you looked and smelled.

"[f/n], did you want to have a shower? You can just wear my clothes if you want until I can wash yours," the man said, handing you a pair of his pajama pants and a hoodie.

"How do you know my name? I never told you it?" You asked, feeling creeped out.

"Oh, it was on your bloody sweater," he said casually.

Paling a bit in the face, you laughed nervously. "Right, my school sweater. Well what's your name anyway? You haven't told me yet."

"And you haven't thanked me for helping you yet," he countered, leaning down towards you more, his dark eyes flickering with something you couldn't quite pin. "So maybe we can make a trade."

"Alright, thanks for helping me," you smiled. "Your turn."

"Trafalgar Law," he grinned back. "Anyway, would you like that shower now?"

You nodded, gratefully taking his clothes. "Yeah, which door is it again?"

"That one right there," he said pointing to the second last one down the hall. "Take all the time you need."

"Thanks," you replied, heading down the hall and into the bathroom. Shutting the door behind you, you began to take your dirty clothes off.

Having already taken off your pants, you peeled off the gross t-shirt you were wearing and tossed it on the floor.

"Now my bra-" you said to yourself, stoping when you looked down at your chest.

Your heart.

Shaking, you gingerly brought your hand up to your chest and felt tears slip down your face when your fingers were able to enter the empty spot as to where your heart should be.

"Where's my heart?!" You cried out, gripping the roots of your hair. "What the hell is going on?!"

"Are you alright in there [f/n]?" You heard Law ask from outside.

"Like hell I'm alright!" You yelled back, putting your dirty pants and shirt back on. You didn't want to wear anything that was that mans.

"Oh you may not know it yet, but you've already paid me all that I need,"

It was him.

Forcefully opening the door, you stomped out of the bathroom and back to your bed where Law was waiting with a calm look on his face.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

That just sent you over the edge.

"What's wrong you say? Oh well maybe it's the fact I don't have my heart!" You hissed, pulling down your shirt a little bit to show him the proof.

"Well you're still alive right? That's good," he said, not showing any concern.

"I know you have it," you muttered, walking closer to him. "Where. The hell. Is it."

"Woah, don't worry, it's safe!" He said, pulling something out of his hoodie pocket. "See?" He said, holding out a still beating heart in his hand.

"What the hell are you?" You whispered.

"A devil fruit eater, simple enough," he said, wiggling your heart out in front of you. "Would you like it back?"

"No shit!" You yelled, charging at him.

He smirked, setting it on the dresser by your bed and catching you before you could get to it by wrapping his arms around your waist.

"You may not think it, but for saving that heart of yours," he whispered into your ear. "That means it's mine for the taking. You along with it."

"Your psychotic!" You spat at him, struggling in his tight grasp around you.

"I am, yes. What of it? You can't leave me with out your heart," he smirked victoriously. "Oh and just incase you couldn't already figure out," he said, lifting up the bottom of your shirt enough for him to trail your new scar with his finger. "I was the one who did this."

Anger filled your body as you pounded your fist against his chest and struggled more. "Why?"

"I had have a good excuse to get you here with me, no? And it's all okay, because I healed you," he smiled.

"It's not all okay, let go of me!" You yelled.

"If you're worried about those other people, I'll deal with them later, don't worry. Then you won't have anything to run back to, you can stay here with me," he purred lightly in you ear.

You paled, realizing who he was taking about. "D-Don't touch my family. Don't you lay a finger on any of them!"

"Oh I won't, but I may lay my sword on them," he said, tightening his grip around you.

Beginning to cry, you struggled more against him. "Let me go! Why are you doing this?"

"You want to know why?" He asked, forcefully turning your face towards his. "Because I can."

"Go to hell," you spat.

He smiled, giving you a forceful kiss on the lips.

Pulling back, he smirked down at you. "In time. For now though, you'll be staying here, with me."


[How was that? I don't know if I really did a good job on this Yandere Law, it's not necessarily my forte to write, but I hope you guys liked it anyway, feedback would be nice :3]

Next time > Territorial Law x Reader - Heart of Stone

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